Ways to Use Twitter for Your Crowdfunding Campaign

Christopher Noel Meyers
Ketto Blogs
Published in
5 min readSep 7, 2021

Twitter has a huge worldwide user base of 316 million, who send almost 500 million Tweets daily. Today, let’s discuss some handy tips on how your crowdfunding campaign could weaponize Twitter to take off!

Twitter can be the platform that popularizes your campaign by joining hands with influencers or people with large followings. You should know that using Twitter for crowdfunding campaigns mainly relies on two things:

  • An audience pool large enough to reach the goal of the campaign, and
  • Content that engages with the would-be donors of your campaign.

Tips on how to use Twitter for crowdfunding campaigns:

Connect personally on Twitter

Once you start engaging with your audience, start sharing project links and statistics related to the reach of the audience and how many donations have taken place. Promoting how the initial boost has helped your campaign can ultimately cause the success of your crowdfunding project.

Show urgency and encourage action

Twitter is a microblogging platform, one of the best for live updates about an ongoing activity or promotional event — whether it’s a sporting event or a television show. Fundraising campaigns are no different. Twitter’s shelf life is very short, therefore, post engaging (and enthusiastic) updates about your campaign at frequent intervals, without annoying your followers. This gets more donors for hitting key milestones and is necessary for the project’s eventual success.

How should you be making updates?

  • When you are updating your campaign’s Twitter, don’t forget to inform the followers about your donation goal and the last date for donations.
  • Keep donors informed about the progress of your crowdfunding campaign — this allows them to see how close you are to the target goal, and be invested in your fundraiser.
  • Encourage your followers to retweet your posts to increase the reach of the campaign.

Keep the essentials in a pinned Tweet

Pin a core tweet regarding your crowdfunding campaign, which uses gripping images and your crowdfunding page URL, on your organization’s Twitter. Make sure it remains so for the duration of your campaign.

If you don’t exactly know what it means to ‘pin’ a Tweet: it is an option on a Tweet that, when selected, keeps it constantly at the top of your Twitter page. It resembles a call-to-action strategy for all those who visit your page. This is the best way of making your campaign noticeable to all those who take an interest in your organization. It generates more views, likes, and retweets, giving more momentum to your campaign.

Use relevant images, tag relevant people

More than a microblogging site, Twitter is known to be a thumb scroller’s paradise. Every Tweet that is a part of your crowdfunding project must occupy the top of your page, as fresh posts or retweets. When you use images or videos, it captures more attention and will influence your followers to act. You must aim to make your visitors pause, digest the content, and act on the same.

Keep in mind that when you are using images, tag up to 10 followers. They should ideally belong to a relevant organization and have a large following. If these tagged people retweet your campaign, it will widen your reach.

Optimize #hashtags

You probably know this, but hashtags are your best friend when it comes to organizing your content, yet making it visible! It is one of the most important ways of putting all campaign-related content in one place.

Furthermore, there are certain Twitter hashtags that help you stay updated with your followers. Ensure that you use hashtags that make you visible to your potential donors. Also, use motivational and innovative hashtags that encourage them to donate to the campaign.

Address your Twitter donors

Twitter is largely a platform with anonymity, where many users are hidden behind catchy, funny usernames. Thanking the donor when using Twitter for crowdfunding will benefit you in two ways:

  • Even behind some anonymity, the donor feels honored to be recognized as a part of your project. They might even help you in widening the reach of your campaign by enthusiastically retweeting your posts.
  • It maintains credibility and lends a human touch to your campaign, thus influencing potential donors. It shows that various people are making donations, and gives a face to those running the campaign, thus displaying the authenticity of your fundraiser.

Automate ways of discovering influential Twitter users

There are several tools available on Twitter that will help you find potential influencers. These free tools will prepare a spreadsheet mentioning the most influential target audiences. For example, if a Twitter user is running a campaign related to rugby, they will pull out details of all the followers using the keyword ‘rugby’ in their Twitter bios.

Find influential people on other platforms

If you consider platforms like YouTube or Instagram, the majority of influencers who are available there are also active on Twitter. You can connect with such influencers and request them to promote your crowdfunding campaign. These influencers will naturally have a sizable Twitter fan following too.

Here are the ways of getting an influencer on Twitter for crowdfunding:

  • Prepare a Twitter list

This should include the details of people who are showing interest in your project. They do need to be famous influencers or celebrities only, but those who are popular on social media with a notable reputation.

  • Engage with your list

When you launch the campaign, start engaging with your target audience via retweeting and motivating people to give comments on their tweets. Continue this practice for a few weeks to gain the trust of your target audience, and follow the above tips to get them to stay on your Twitter page and remain engaged!

Bottom line

Twitter is one of the best and influential social networking platforms. Following the above ways makes it easier to use Twitter for crowdfunding campaigns. A campaign is, however, incomplete without conveying crucial messages like campaign objectives, use of donations, and how donors’ contributions aid the target recipient community.

Around 2 lakh crowdfunded campaigns on Ketto have raised funds for helping those in medical and financial emergencies. Using Twitter to get the word out on your Ketto campaign is sure to set the ball rolling!



Christopher Noel Meyers
Ketto Blogs

“Better content means better business.” I am extremely passionate and up-to-date with developments in digital & social media to leverage best SEO practice.