What Is a Pandemic?

Christopher Noel Meyers
Ketto Blogs
Published in
4 min readMay 19, 2021

The spread of infection around a population group, city, country, or worldwide is named based on the area it covers and affects. Therefore, an infection spread can be called an outbreak, endemic, epidemic, or a pandemic, originating from the Greek root demos that means people. Thus, an endemic infection is the presence of infectious diseases in a particular area of the population. An endemic does not usually disappear from the society it affects and recurs at a persistent rate.

An outbreak is a term used for the occurrence of a disease recorded more than normal. An epidemic, usually related to a viral infection, is denoted when a contagious infection affects a large area or a country. In this relation, a pandemic is an epidemic that does not distinguish between borders and affects the whole world. Such diseases are called a pandemic.

Heres how you can help during pandemics like the current covid-19 crisis:

Start a crowdfunding campaign such as India Needs Oxygen. The second covi-19 wave hit India very hard. Friends and family members have been running helter skelter trying to get oxygen cylinders for patients. By starting crowdfunding campaigns during pandemics you can help numerious individuals overcome hurdles that are direct causes of the pandemics.

The Pandemic

A pandemic as the WHO defines it as an “epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a vast area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people”.

Therefore, unlike the seasonal flu epidemics, coronavirus has been addressed as a pandemic as not only is the virus causing the pandemic a new strain but also that it is affecting people all over the world.

The pandemic that started in Wuhan, China towards the end of December 2019 and now affecting all the countries in the world is the coronavirus. Coronavirus is a common virus that is generally not fatal. It primarily affects the upper respiratory tract and the nose. Coronavirus is spread by the virus strain now identified as SARS-CoV-2. It is one of the seven identified viruses and is contagious from person to person.

With the emergence of various vaccines around the world, and while everyone is starting to get vaccinated, it is still early to determine how long the Coronavirus pandemic would last. Therefore, given this, you must take the utmost care of yourselves.

Symptoms of COVID-19

It would be best if you were alert of the various symptoms of the coronavirus pandemic. These sign and symptoms include:

  • Coughing
  • Fever
  • Shortness of breath
  • Body ache
  • Sore throat
  • Fatigue
  • Headache
  • Loss of taste and smell
  • Nausea
  • Diarrhoea

In some instances, the virus has shown to aggravate the symptoms leading to pneumonia, heart and liver failure, and even death. The most severe attack of COVID-19 is called the cytokine storm, wherein the infection causes the immune system of the body to release a substantial amount of proteins that cause inflammation. This reaction of the body to the infection damages the organs and tissues of the body, causing death.

Therefore, if you think you have acquired the coronavirus infection, then you should

  • Stay home
  • Call your doctor if you have trouble breathing.
  • Keep yourself informed of the news.

What Are the Risk Factors of Coronavirus Pandemic?

You can have the coronavirus infection ranging from mild to severe. The diseases and

medical history determines the seriousness of the condition. Therefore, the following factors increase the susceptibility to the infection:

  • Diabetes
  • Kidney diseases
  • Pulmonary disease
  • Obesity
  • Weak immune system
  • High blood pressure
  • Asthma
  • Lung diseases

How Contagious Is the Coronavirus?

The SARS-CoV-2 virus is highly infectious and spreads from an infected person to a healthy individual. This spread can be if the person is in direct contact with the patient or has inhaled the droplets released into the air after a cough or sneeze from the infected individual. Some studies even report that you could also have the infection if you have touched a surface or an object previously touched by an infected patient. Therefore, you must ensure to disinfect all surfaces to rid it off of viruses.

How Fast Does the Coronavirus Spread?

SARS-CoV-2 spreads at an alarmingly fast rate. While the early reports estimated that one infected individual could spread it to approximately two other people, more recent reports have shown that an infected individual can spread to four to six healthy individuals. This is unlike the regular flu wherein one person can spread it to one or two other people.

How to Prevent Coronavirus Infections?

You can follow these steps and prevent from getting infected:

  1. Regularly wash your hands with soap or an alcohol-based sanitizer.
  2. Cover your nose and mouth with a mask outdoors.
  3. Social distancing.
  4. Avoid touching your face often.
  5. Disinfect items and surfaces as often as you can before handling them yourself.

How Is Coronavirus Treated?

There is no specific treatment for the coronavirus. The doctors assist the moderate to severely affected patients by easing the symptoms. These patients who display mild symptoms are advised to self treat at home. Aside from this, it is recommended to administer over-the-counter drugs to cure the sore throat and cough. Your doctor would also advise you to take plenty of fluids.

Has a Vaccine Been Approved?

Within six months of the onset of the pandemic, several vaccine candidates were beginning clinical trials. As of December 11, 2020, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced the emergency authorization use of the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine for people over sixteen years of age. Other vaccine candidates await this authorization. The vaccine is being administered to people on a priority basis.

Concluding Remarks

While the end of the coronavirus pandemic is not close, you must always keep yourself indoors and protect yourself when outdoors. You must also ensure that those who have a high susceptibility to the infection are always protected. In time, with the vaccination and the immunity developed by your body; otherwise, the danger to the pandemic would reduce with time.



Christopher Noel Meyers
Ketto Blogs

“Better content means better business.” I am extremely passionate and up-to-date with developments in digital & social media to leverage best SEO practice.