From UX Designer to Videographer

Kevin Acosta
Kevin Acosta’s Portfolio
4 min readNov 5, 2019

Platform: Web & Video
Role/Team: UX Designer | Angie - Videography

This project was an internship opportunity through Utah Valley University. We worked under the direction of Prof. Daniel Hatch, and our stakeholders at Community Health Connect.

Company Overview

The company is dedicated to enhancing access to quality healthcare for low-income uninsured individuals in Utah County. Their mission is accomplished by establishing and managing a Volunteer Provider Network, which enables healthcare professionals to donate their time and expertise. Additionally, the company offers health education programs and leverages existing community resources to ensure comprehensive care for their patients. Their ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has access to the care they need to live healthy lives.

Project Summary

While working with Utah Community Health Connect, a local nonprofit committed to providing affordable medical care to low-income, uninsured individuals, I was given the task of enhancing the organization’s video promotions as a UX designer. My primary objective was to attract more visitors and physicians to the website, and my partner and I were specifically requested to create three videos that would serve as part of the resources to persuade more doctors to work with these patients. Even though I had limited experience in videography, we utilized wireframes and storyboards to successfully convey the desired mood and tone in the videos. This project taught me that the success of a website is not only determined by its aesthetics and functionality but also by how its various elements work cohesively in tone and feel.


We were assigned by Utah Community Health Connect to produce three promotional videos aimed at recruiting more healthcare providers to join the organization. Our stakeholders had specific questions they wanted the videos to address:

  1. Why partner with Community Health Connect?
  2. How does the organization assist with managing charitable care?
  3. How can providers balance their regular patients with those referred by Community Health Connect?

Solutions & Results

In the span of 3 months, Angie and I were able to create three videos that we felt helped expound on these questions. Though we were part of a bigger group, our group specifically wasn’t tasked with creating metrics of success. We almost felt like the afterthought. We just had to provide the content that would be added to the website.

One important element to this project was our videos. One of the things one of the stakeholders mentioned in one of our weekly meetings was how she wanted to website to match the feel of the videos. Which we thought was interesting. She said that the videos felt professional yet welcoming. The current design of the website felt professional but not welcoming.

Angie and I took this as a huge compliment, and from that point on the design and development team would come to us for input on feel and tone of the website.

If you’d like to see the videos click here.

My Observations

There were some observations that I made that were very interesting. Sometimes when we think about UX we think about Websites, Apps, Dashboards, SaaS, Etc. But how often have we thought about how UX bleeds into other fields?

I discovered a similarity between UX design and film, which is that both start with a wireframe or storyboard. In the case of the videos we were creating, we had to carefully plan out elements such as the interview questions, the positioning of interviewees, lighting, and location of the interviews in either the offices or lobbies. This attention to detail was similar to the process of designing a website, app, dashboard, Etc. where all aspects of the user experience must be considered and planned out beforehand.

After discussing with Angie, we identified three key similarities between UX design and videography.

Firstly, both fields require careful planning and attention to detail. In UX design, designers need to carefully consider the user’s journey through a website or app and create an intuitive and enjoyable experience. Similarly, in videography, filmmakers must meticulously plan each shot and how it contributes to the overall narrative.

Secondly, both fields require the ability to tell a story. UX designers create a clear and cohesive narrative that guides users through the product, while filmmakers create compelling stories that engage and resonate with viewers.

Thirdly, both fields prioritize the user or viewer. UX designers focus on creating an enjoyable experience for users, while filmmakers strive to create videos that engage and resonate with viewers. In addition, both fields require collaboration and teamwork. UX designers work with developers, product managers, and stakeholders to create a successful product, while filmmakers work with actors, crew members, and editors to bring their vision to life.

There are several similarities between UX (user experience) and videography, despite the fact that they may seem like very different fields.



Kevin Acosta
Kevin Acosta’s Portfolio

UX Designer | Specializing in e-Learning and Mixed Reality | Creating engaging and effective user experiences