5 Content Marketing Lessons We Can Learn From Michelangelo

Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons
Published in
3 min readNov 25, 2015

The works Michelangelo produced were truly world-class masterpieces. The level of detail put into David or the Sistine Chapel ceiling is unbelievable.

“The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.” — Robert Greene

(image via Flickr)

What can we learn from Michelangelo to produce mastery-level’s of content marketing?

1) Create evergreen pieces

As I mentioned earlier, evergreen content has long-term value. But only when it’s high quality. Putting in the extra time and effort is an equal trade off for creating something that will stay relevant for years to come.

2) Eliminate distractions

Michelangelo had a clear vision for what he wanted to produce, and focused completely on achieving it.

He didn’t worry about achieving inbox zero, missing something on social media, or the constant “bzzz bzzz” of smartphone notifications. He just got on with what he needed to do — creating a masterpiece.

He didn’t have the benefits of technology, but he didn’t have the distractions of it either. What if content marketers had that mindset?

3) Focus on content, not failure

“Things that have to work rarely do anymore — Seth Godin, Purple Cow”

I wrote last year about how the fear of failure is ironically the most likely reason most people will fail. A self-fulfilling prophecy at its finest.

What could you achieve if you took that fear away and were free to produce what you really wanted to?

“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” — Michelangelo

4) Follow your passion

Remove everything else from the equation. Forget about budgets, deadlines, meetings, resources, and guidelines. Just focus on creating something outstanding.

What would you create? With 100% creative freedom to follow your inspiration. To choose the idea you think you can do best and run with it all the way.

Given his “Renaissance man” status as a painter, sculptor, and architect, Michelangelo really wasn’t limited by anything. Not budgets, word count, brand guidelines, or even medium.

This is where marketers can really win big.

Following your passion and inspiration, and focusing on the work it creates — that’s where quality content comes from.

This is the mindset we need. To follow your passion to great content.

Imagine coming up with a crazy content idea, but you see the potential in it. And you could just drop everything and grab the resources you need to go get it done. Unlimited time and money. Any idea you choose.

5) Invest time and effort for quality

Michelangelo worked on the Sistine Chapel’s ceiling for four years. Four physically taxing, grueling years. David took three. That’s no content farm.

(image via Flickr)

Instead of trying to quickly create 10 articles and moving on to the next batch, why don’t you create one outstanding one? Then spend more time promoting it to the people it’s perfect for — those who will really benefit from and engage with it.

Being good hasn’t been good enough for a long time.

The same is true with content — you need to create your Sistine Chapel.

Ask these questions to think like Michelangelo

It takes guts to think big, and you need to be prepared to fail along the way.

Start by asking yourself, “Do I want to keep everyone happy, play it safe and produce lots of content? Or do I want to be the Michelangelo of content marketing and create a masterpiece which will be talked about in years, decades and centuries to come?”

The right answer seems pretty clear…

(Read this post in full here)

About The Author

Kevin Gibbons is a co-founder of Re:signal. You can connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.



Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons

Co-founder, CEO at @Re_signal, a strategy-driven content marketing agency https://resignal.com