How to Get Back into Blogging? Just Start!

Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons
Published in
1 min readNov 10, 2016

I used to write a lot.

As you’ll see, most of my blogging profiles are pretty inactive these days…

However, I really want to get back into writing — the issue is my idea muscle is out of exercise!

The hardest thing is always making a start. It’s the same with running, the hardest thing is putting on my running shoes and tying up the laces…

There’s always an easy excuse. The key is breaking it down by asking what’s the next step? Otherwise it’s overwhelming and will never happen.

In order to get back into blogging, I’ve set myself a 30-day challenge to write something every day.

It doesn’t have to be long — my plan is to keep it very simple and to stop myself from over-thinking it, which can be a challenge for my typical style of writing... But hey, if it works for Seth Godin!

Ticking off each day is a mini-win — I’ve done the hard part and made a start. See you tomorrow for day 2 :)

About The Author

Kevin Gibbons is a co-founder of Re:signal. You can connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.



Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons

Co-founder, CEO at @Re_signal, a strategy-driven content marketing agency