Is Saturday a good day to publish content?

Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons
Published in
2 min readNov 12, 2016

I don’t think I’ve ever published an article on a Saturday before.

I’ve definitely written them, but I’d always wait until Monday to hit the publish button and promote…

My logic would be that less of my target audience are active on social media over the weekends and aren’t in the right mindset to read work related content.


  • Hubspot shows that blog posts receive more comments on Saturdays and Sundays:

This does start to make some sense:

  • It’s less crowded at weekends in terms of people publishing content, which helps you to stand out amongst less noise.
  • People may have more free time to read properly — they can take a relaxed look over a cup of tea, rather than skim reading the key points in the middle of a busy day.
  • Even if they’re not in the right mindset to read they might save for reading later, rather than diving straight in. Which providing they do read it, is still good, and it means you may have captured them at a time when they may not have seen it otherwise.

As always, the answer is to test it for yourself and see what works. I’m a big fan of trying the opposite to what everyone else does — so let’s see if this post works!

About The Author

Kevin Gibbons is a co-founder of Re:signal. You can connect with him on Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.



Kevin Gibbons
Kevin Gibbons

Co-founder, CEO at @Re_signal, a strategy-driven content marketing agency