Zombie Day, or Why I Should Never Code Past 9PM — Final Project Day 10

Kevin McCarthy
kevins daily makers academy blog
2 min readMay 16, 2016

So this morning was meant to be the beginning of feature freeze. I absolutely love a deadline (always have), and so was determined to get all app features we needed in last night.

It was just a matter of writing a few tests and implementing very small things. However as with everything it all takes time so I was up till 11pm coding.

My rule throughout the course had been no coding after 9. I made this rule after discovering late night coding over excites my brain to the point where it will wake at a stupidly early hour next day.

Breaking the rule now was not smart. I ended up getting about 3 hours sleep before my brain decided it was time to become wide-awake again.

This led to me pretty much zombie-ing my way through the day.

It was refactor day. Our SongFetcherService which was initially meant to be responsible for fetching the Songs from Spotify was now also, creating the previewURL with the right time, calculating scores, evaluating guesses, and just pretty much anything that needed to be done.

Now in place we have a SongsService, CurrentSongService, PlayLogService, PlayFactory, SongFactory.

The way we worked today was a bit scary. We kept our unit tests green but our feature tests only passed again at the very end of the day.

Even though we thought we’d been really good with refactoring as we go there was still a full days work just in extracting all our different services. Tomorrow we’re going to map it all out and see how it looks. My fear is its a gigantic mess. Fingers crossed this is completely unfounded.

This is part of my daily blog series while I attend Makers Academy coding bootcamp. If you’d like to read more you can find them here.

Makers Academy Week11 Day3

