What is this blog?

Kevin’s Dead
Published in
1 min readFeb 13, 2020

Who is “Kevin” and why do I care?

Is this Kevin? Maybe…

Who is Kevin? It doesn’t really matter. You‘ve probably seen Kevin in school, you’ve probably seen Kevin at the Apple store, acing his math exam, or chowing down dumplings when you go to dim sum. But he’s also just tired of being Kevin, because he’s also not Kevin, yet everyone still thinks he is, so he might as well be Kevin.

Kevin is nebulous, he is a faceless man. He is the moniker of Asian men who have no face, the type you could run into in the street but wouldn’t recognise, even if you see him once a week.

“Kevin” thinks his name has become derogatory — it’s lexically limiting. Everyone else is called Kevin and he doesn’t want to be everyone else. So he killed Kevin and created this blog, both to kill the concept of “Kevin” and to repossess it.

This blog is an exercise in identity-reconstruction, it’s the death and rebirth of Kevin…



Kevin’s Dead

Curious about all things tech, economics, philanthropy, and developmental political theory