E-commerce and Messenger Bots — Partners for Higher Sales & More Revenue

Sonrat Priyanka
Kevit Technologies
Published in
5 min readJan 30, 2020

E-commerce has been one of those industries that have grown exponentially to take over shopping services across all domains. You’re either a customer or an owner of at least one product that is sold over the internet. While e-commerce is thriving through their own personal mediums, we have a new player taking over their service — chatbots.

Business comes with its own challenges that need to be addressed in order to grow a company and enroll more customers with your brand. Try answering some of these questions below -

Are you looking to grow your customer base for your e-commerce business?

Do you want 100% customer satisfaction?

Do you want to cut the time and cost you spend on customer service?

Would you like effortless lead generation?

If you answered yes to one or all of these questions, it’s time for you to think about using a chatbot for your brand before it’s too late.

Chatbots are not a temporary hype, they can revolutionize industries and their customer service, especially for E-commerce websites. They can leverage their sales and customer base using chatbots since their entire business is online and works through customer engagement.

But before we get into that, what exactly is a Messenger Bot?

A messenger bot is a piece of software that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to communicate with its customers over the Facebook Messenger platform.

Facebook introduced bots for messenger in 2016. Since then the number of bots on Messenger has been growing exponentially, with currently 300,000 bots deployed on the medium. Facebook Messenger currently has 1.3 billion active users and they have about 8 billion conversations a day!

And these numbers are only growing, but how do they affect the e-commerce industry? How are these bots different from the other chatbot trends for them?

This bot has the capacity to transform not just the way in which businesses market themselves but the very way in which they conduct sales and customer service.

The Messenger bot is not limited to a single-use. It can be used for a variety of purposes across a wide array of applications to benefit your e-commerce market. Some of the things the messenger bot can do for you are -

  • Marketing to the new user base
  • Lead generation
  • Provide instant customer service
  • Run public campaigns
  • Notify regular customers about new products and offers

It is an immersive digital experience tailored for your customers, that is targeted to improve your customer engagement.

You are not required to browse through entire websites anymore, apply multiple filters and repeatedly follow these steps only to be disappointed by the results it generates. It can dampen your entire mood and deter you from shopping online, an E-commerce bot can reduce this redundant process into a small conversation while providing suggestions for products that you’d exactly want.

They have been proven to save up to 30% customer service costs that the company otherwise has to spend. ‌

From going through options, select your desired product and order, everything is done in a few steps through a simple conversation with your intuitive bot.

Once the order has been placed, the user can directly receive tracking information regarding their packages directly on the Facebook Messenger, without having to login to any other website. The bot is beneficial for both the customers and the companies selling their products online. Companies can provide product and purchase information as well as enable order tracking. Customers can send inquiries directly from the messenger and get an instant response.

Let’s have a look at some reasons that can clearly illustrate how the e-commerce industry is leveraging the use of chatbots:

1. 24/7 Customer Service and automation:

The customer needs to be heard 24/7. We live in a world where customer satisfaction is more vital than ever before. Maintaining a customer service support center 24/7 would pose a major challenge for E-commerce companies, from personnel required to large budget requirements.

However, both these expenses could be saved by simply deploying a Messenger Bot for your brand. Messenger bots automate conversations and order handling, relieving your team of redundant activities to provide better solutions for more complicated tasks. They improve response time, enhance customer satisfaction and increase the number of resolved cases.

They have been proven to save up to 30% customer service costs that the company otherwise has to spend.

2. Instant response with intuitive conversations:

Customers are some of the most impatient people that every company encounters during their interaction. They prefer quick suggestions, immediate answers to their questions and a quick solution to their problem.

With a physical customer service that employs a limited number of dedicated service providers, it is impossible to immediately address all your customer concerns at their preferred time. In addition to that, it requires a heavy investment in employing a large number of employees dedicated to customer service only.

A single messenger bot can handle all your customer concerns and generate an immediate response that is customer-centric. It saves both the cost and time required to manually handle such conversations.

3. Promotions:

The real potential of Messenger Marketing is untapped by most of the e-commerce websites. It is a platform with one of the largest number of active users to whom you could be promoting your brand.

Most companies are not proactive when it comes to interacting with their customers, they do so on need base. This scenario is quickly changing with Messenger bots, they generate automated welcome messages and notify the user whenever they visit your website or social media page. This enhances your brand’s reputation and engages your visitors with conversations. Turning mere visitors into potential customers. The more people get a chance to know your brand, the larger your client base becomes.

4. Click-to-Messenger Ads:

If you want to spend less for more in your E-commerce business, Facebook click-to-Messenger ads are the best way. It gets you more engagement and follow-up contact info. It serves major benefits at a lower cost-per-result. It gives an opportunity for your customers to follow up with offers and messages. Click-to-messenger ads help to drive more traffic in messenger bot.

5. Product launching:

Yes, you read it right! You can use a messenger bot for launching new products. Many brands are using this technique nowadays. In e-commerce business brands have to launch new products and special offers frequently in order to retain their customers. Messenger bots are the best way to launch your products and promote them. You can send promotional message sequences to your existing customers before launching your products, preparing a market for your product even before it launches. It generates a buzz around your product.

It ensures that your sale rates increase and that your product finds the maximum number of consumers.

Kevit Technologies has earned a name for e-commerce chatbot development in a very short period of time. If you want to know how you can feature a messenger bot in your E-commerce website or application, you can get in touch with us at coffee@kevit.io and you are welcome to visit us here.

