Is your chatbot for everyone? Train it for non-technical people too

Priyanka Shah
Kevit Technologies
Published in
4 min readSep 16, 2021

Are your chatbot user analytics in turmoil??!! Are the conversation rates and bot usage stats going downhill? Well, obviously this becomes an alarming situation for your bot. There are many reasons that contribute to this blunder and one of the major ones can be that not many people get your bot or/and struggling to be able to use it.

While this makes your chatbot a hot mess, it’s necessary to fix this chaos to make it work. This is because chatbots are not only considered as employees but also brand representatives for brands and can easily be used to form the first impression about your brand. Along with being the smartest bot, it has to be user-friendly. But all these come with practice and over the years of experience because chatbots aren’t just a set-it-and-forget-it type of software. Just the installation of a chatbot is not our target. Indeed, it can be considered as a baby step but training it over customer feedbacks and gathered metrics can make the infancy chatbot to advance to sky-high horizons in the upcoming future. This reminds us of the old and very wise saying “Practice makes a man perfect” and since we are trying to make bots as human as possible, this fair and square can be applied to chatbots as well. Gone are the days when chatbots were just some pre-written rule-based programs. Now, chatbots are directly judged by the training given to them and it should be as good as the training data. Ignoring these all will make your customers go in no time and just a long list of losing leads, losing name and trust of buyers, losing customers and more of such negative progress.

All of these can be avoided with proper training of chatbots and this blog focuses on the same. On the basis of assembled metrics, online surveys and customer feedbacks, bots with highest level training can be achieved. But how to involve all that and what other parameters should you keep in mind or focus on, all are mentioned below:

1) Research, Research and Some More Research

This is that step that will always be running in the background. Research becomes the foremost step before even building your chatbot because you want to make sure you know your market and your customers. Once all this is done and your bot’s set up and open for public use, research again is a huge parameter to take care of, because you want to keep up with its performance, how is your audience reacting to it, is it a happy reaction or resulting into irritation or are they even using it as much as they should. Once you are regular to this, nothing can stop your automated mate from performing its best and its optimized usage

2) From Target Audience To Target Persona

The name itself is quite self-explanatory. The first step screamed at our face to know our audience and now we will know why. Knowing which group is going to use your bot can help you decide how you want to design the flow of your bot, what type of word stock to use and which ones to avoid (obviously you don’t want to get it awkward) and in general set the tone. If the bot is for a B2B company, then you have to make sure that it doesn’t sound as if it’s talking with a bunch of teenagers and vice-versa. Imagine using all that Genz words with a high-profile manager of a brand. Oh God, what a blunder!!!! Surely you wanna avoid that.

3) Automated But Monitored

As much as this sounds contrary, this is our favorite combo and soon yours too. We all know that computers are designed to be errorfree but after all it’s a computer. So, we suggest a human agent to monitor your chatbot and all its conversational flows to avoid mistakes and not lose any customers. Not that we have to even mention but Live Chat, mean to have human agents for service if the bot is unable to answer a query should always be available.

4) Surveys Paves Way for Accuracy

This step again connects you to your customer, but only after its done. Taking surveys only to know your public is not what we are talking about here. Take surveys of how much people like your bot by asking for reviews. There are companies online that can do the same for you. You can either use that option or best to ask your colleagues for a lil favor. Basically, the point is to get real users to review your work. And what to use these surveys for? These can help you to make necessary changes for ease of use and targeting omnipresence of the bot as well. Response speed of the chatbot, its Accuracy, User Experience (UX), Engagement Rates are some more of the parameters that will be checked too. This all so that our audience have a merry time, the non-technical ones too.

Summing It Up

Implementing chatbots has never been as relevant as it is today. And doing it right so that one and all can use it, not only help you gain leads and customers but also their trust. They sure would like to stay for a real long time and for the same we are ready to help with our expertise in development of chatbots as well as the aftermath. Look at our services at or contact us at Build a chatbot to solve your business problems today!

