Selling on Amazon? Boost your Sales and Ranking with Chatbots

Priyanka Sonrat
Kevit Technologies
Published in
5 min readMar 26, 2021

Amazon is one of the best platforms to buy and sell your product, right? Well, of course, Amazon is the largest online retailer in the world generating $232.9 billion in revenue in 2018. Amazon lists more than 3 billion products across the world. It has millions of third-party sellers. These figures are increasing day by day.

Now you can imagine where your products are and how hard the competition is! It happens many times that you completely failed in selling your products. I’m sure many sellers have faced this situation. The reason behind this failure is not your prices, not your product qualities, not at all. The reason is people are not even reached to your products. Imagine if you are selling dresses on amazon, how many scrolls people have to do before reaching your dress. Amazon shows hundreds of dresses shows before your dress. You know why?

Many things matter for that, some of them you must have known already. Like Keywords. Yes, keywords do matter in your search appearing, just like it works on Google and other search engines. When numbers of sellers offer the same item, you must maintain your position up to appear there. There are other factors too like price competitivity, batter selling history, Images, Titles, Product descriptions, In-stock rates, etc. But if we have to consider the most effective 3 factors to be on the top of the search, those factors will — Search terms, Sales rank, and Customer reviews.

When we talk about Search terms, you can easily increase this by improving your choice of Keywords. There are many software available in the market for finding the best keywords for your products. Some of them are free, for some you need to pay some amount, but which is very basic.

Sales rank, also known as Amazon’s best seller rank, is one of the most important ranking factors. According to Amazon, the Amazon best sellers rank is an indicator of how well a product is currently selling on Amazon. It is not constant. It updates hourly and it doesn’t only reflect current sales data but past sales data, as well.

Now, come to the most important factor, which is Customer reviews. This is the hardest part to achieve. You must have heard about older techniques to increase your customer reviews and rating, so I’m not going to take more time with that. So, what is the newest and most effective method to achieve this? I’m going to say Messenger bots! Yes, Messenger bots are the most efficient way to promote and take a review of your product. If you don’t know about chatbots you can visit here. When we talk about chatbots in E-commerce, I can be 100% sure Messenger bots are the most amazing platforms to increase your sales. Don’t you believe it? You can read my past article about this here.

So now let’s come to the point. Seling your product is the second hard part. To get reviews first you need to increase the selling of your products. Messenger bots are the best medium to do this. How? Let me explain the process.

Some people like to buy stuff from their regular all-time favorite shops and brands. Maybe you do that too. Then what makes you shop or attract people to shop from the other one? The big word is “Discount”. Yes, discounts or “Sales” or “Buy one get one” make people happy, it makes people attracted. People like to buy stuff with discount offers, they like to buy stuff from the Sale. And maybe you are giving this kind of special offers on your products already, but that can’t be reached to maximum people. Then how to make people aware of your discounts and special offers?

There is the most amazing and engaging way to do this with Messenger bots. Sending your special offers through Emails is not efficient now. People don’t care to open emails. In fact, email opening rates are almost less than 21% where messenger bot opening rates are more than 90%, and email click-through rate is 4–5% where chatbot click-through rates are about 60%. It’s a huge difference.

Once you have a messenger bot for your products, you can attract traffic to your bot through Facebook ads. Facebook ads are the best way to drive traffic in your bots. Once people come to your bot through these ads, and they click the get started button they will become your subscribers:

They can copy the discount coupon code and once they click on “Get 50% OFF” they can shop your product from amazon with a given discount. This is so simple yet engaging for your customers. Plus, now you have the number of leads, and you can update your customers with your products and special offers anytime you want.

Now after a few days of this special offer, the bot can send a follow-up to ask whether they have made any purchase using your special offer or not. If not, the bot will remind them to use the coupon and buy the product. And if they have brought the product, the bot can ask them to leave a review of your product and redirect them to your product’s review page. And we can remind them about leaving a review if they haven’t left. Isn’t it cool? These tasks are automated, you don’t have to do them manually. Messenger bot is so effective and easy to go. More sales and more reviews can take your product to the top of searches.

Instant messaging is how people today communicate with their friends and family. And Messenger is the number 1 messaging app almost worldwide. So, by interacting with customers on this platform, you are establishing your business in a very personal, engaging way. Facebook messenger bots provide Amazon sellers an excellent opportunity to boost performance on Amazon.

We are a chatbot development company based in India that endeavors on highly proficient, timely delivered, and cost-effective chatbot, and other services. For more information, you can visit us at or contact us at , Get your Messenger bot before your competitors do.

