Why law sectors need a chatbot assistant?

Sonrat Priyanka
Kevit Technologies
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2020

Today, Conversational AI is leading all over the internet — Whether it’s on your shopping websites or on your healthcare apps, it is setting all service standards high. Legal firms are not an exception. It’s picking up more of routine tasks so the lawyers can focus on high-value work.

As per most of the legal firms, routine tasks take most of the working hours which interrupt their focus and deduct the total growth. Studies show that lawyers occupy 65–70% of their working hours on non-billable/unbilled jobs like –

  • Processing client’s payments
  • Managing staff and duties
  • Prospecting for new clients
  • Advertising
  • Organizing client’s data and new entries, etc.

Most of the firms generally increase their employees for an increasing amount of work thus spending more. So, what is the perfect solution for this problem? We would say — Legal Chatbots.

Legal chatbots are a great option for increasing revenue, satisfying clients, and growing a new client base. It saves the lawyer’s time and money. It can make your law firm’s existence 24/7 live by answering new queries on your website or managing the potential clients on your social media. Chatbots can serve you omnichannel presence. They can –

  • Provide legal advice and help anytime
  • Eliminate routine work and free up lawyer’s schedules
  • Generate legal documents and reports
  • Collect qualified leads and connect them with the responsible authorities
  • Schedule meetings and calls with lawyers, etc.

Here are some benefits of a legal chatbot which you can’t ignore –

  1. Provide E — Storage for Data

Generally, lawyers need a huge place to put their forms, data, etc. There is always a risk of miss out on this document and it is even harder to find them out at the right time. Managing them on a daily basis is a headache for lawyers.

Chatbot eliminates this problem and stores all the forms and data at the right place plus it can automatically manage them. Lawyers don’t need to spare time for that.

2. Virtual Assistance

Chatbots are efficient for legal advice for new clients and indicate the right path to move forward with the case. They also chat with clients and collect the required information to fill up the forms and create documents in minutes.

Not only assisting clients, AI legal bots can help lawyers to schedule a meeting and calls with clients, updating case information, and other necessary tasks like these.

3. Lower cost services

Chatbots are cheaper than hiring workers for repetitive tasks. Once created, you’ll save money in the long run. It won’t take vacations or won’t get injured. They’ll be there for clients — 24/7.

Maintaining and managing a chatbot is not at all costly. You can save up to 30% of the cost by implementing a chatbot. So, adding chatbot on your firm won’t affect your budget that much.

4. Reduce the use of external resources and manpower

Bot eliminates the usage of extra resources which saves cost and time so you can utilize them for more complex tasks.

Plus, you don’t need to hire more staff for achieving efficiency in the workplace. Your lawyers can easily manage their day to day work with the help of smart AI assistants.

5. Lead qualification and segmentation

On daily basis, lawyers deal with busy schedules and lots of inquiries. Chatbots can deal with numbers of lead at the same time and guide them with the right information.

While interacting with clients, a chatbot can segment leads by having a conversation to collect information in different categories. You can get an idea about the case details, the urgency of the case, user details, etc.

Today, the legal industry is getting smarter and chatbots are smart helping hands for law firms. They are secure, fast, and efficient in all terms. If you are planning to have this amazing opportunity within your firm, drop your requirement at coffee@kevit.io or you can visit us here.

