Key Insights from “Courage is Calling: Fortune Favors the Brave” by Ryan Holiday

Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday is a book that can inspire you to act with bravery. This book dives deep into the concept of courage, exploring its importance and how we can cultivate it in our daily lives.

Courage is Calling Insights from our Team

Understanding Courage

Defining Courage: Holiday breaks down courage into manageable concepts, illustrating that courage isn’t just about grand heroic acts. It’s about the small, everyday decisions we make to stand up for what’s right, face our fears, and take risks.

Example: Standing up for a colleague at work, even when it’s not the popular thing to do, is an act of courage. It’s these small acts that build up and define our character.

My Experience: I realized that courage can be as simple as voicing a new idea in a meeting. Initially, I hesitated to speak up, fearing judgment. But when I did, not only was my idea appreciated, but it also opened the door for more collaborative discussions.

The Call to Act

Answering the Call: The book emphasizes that every courageous act starts with a decision to act. It’s about recognizing the call to courage in our lives and choosing to answer it.

Example: When Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on a bus, it was a courageous decision that sparked the civil rights movement. She answered the call to act against injustice, despite the risks.

My Experience: I decided to take on a challenging project at work that no one else wanted. It was a daunting task, but by stepping up, I not only gained valuable experience but also earned respect from my peers.

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Overcoming Fear

Facing Fear: Holiday discusses how courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to move forward despite it. Acknowledging our fears and choosing to act anyway is what makes us brave.

Example: Public speaking is a common fear. Yet, those who push through the fear and speak in front of an audience often find it becomes easier with each attempt.

The Role of Resilience

Building Resilience: Courage is closely linked to resilience. Holiday explains that being resilient — bouncing back from setbacks and continuing to move forward — is a crucial part of being courageous.

Example: Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before inventing the light bulb. His resilience and determination were key to his success.

Embracing Discomfort

Stepping Out of Comfort Zones: Holiday encourages us to embrace discomfort and step out of our comfort zones. This is where true growth and courage are found.

Example: Taking on a new role or learning a new skill can be uncomfortable, but it’s often where we experience the most growth and satisfaction.

The Power of Integrity

Living with Integrity: Courage often means standing up for our values and living with integrity, even when it’s difficult. Holiday emphasizes that integrity is a powerful form of courage.

Example: Whistleblowers who expose corruption are often acting out of integrity and courage, risking their own safety for the greater good.


1. What is Courage? Courage isn’t just about grand heroic acts; it’s about small, everyday decisions to stand up for what’s right, face fears, and take risks.

Example: Standing up for a colleague at work is an act of courage.

2. How do you answer the call to act? Recognize the call to courage in your life and choose to act on it.

Example: Rosa Parks’ refusal to give up her seat was a courageous decision that sparked the civil rights movement.

3. How to overcome fear? Courage is not the absence of fear but the ability to move forward despite it.

Example: Pushing through the fear of public speaking and speaking in front of an audience.

4. What role does resilience play in courage? Courage is closely linked to resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks and continue moving forward.

Example: Thomas Edison failed thousands of times before inventing the light bulb, demonstrating resilience and determination.

5. Why embrace discomfort? True growth and courage are found by stepping out of comfort zones.

Example: Taking on a new role or learning a new skill can be uncomfortable but rewarding.

6. How does integrity relate to courage? Standing up for values and living with integrity, even when difficult, is a powerful form of courage.

Example: Whistleblowers exposing corruption act out of integrity and courage, risking their own safety for the greater good.

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@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Key Insights from Books

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