Key Insights from “Getting Real” by 37signals: Building a Better Software and Business

Getting Real by 37signals (now Basecamp) is a must-read. This book is all about practical advice and no-nonsense strategies for building successful software and businesses.

Getting Real Insights from out Team

Start Small

One of the main messages in Getting Real is to start small. Don’t try to build a massive product from the get-go. Instead, focus on creating something small that works well. This approach allows you to launch sooner, get feedback, and iterate quickly.

Example: When 37signals created Basecamp, they started with just a few features that worked flawlessly. They didn’t try to include every possible feature. This made it easier to launch and improve based on user feedback.

Embrace Constraints

Constraints can be your friend. They force you to be creative and make better decisions. Getting Real emphasizes that working within limits — whether it’s time, budget, or resources — can lead to more innovative solutions.

Example: Instead of seeing a small budget as a limitation, view it as an opportunity to focus on what truly matters. This mindset can lead to more efficient and effective products.

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Focus on Functionality

Functionality should come first. While aesthetics are important, they should never come at the expense of functionality. A beautiful design is worthless if the product doesn’t work well.

Example: Prioritize making your software intuitive and reliable. Fancy graphics and designs can be added later, but the core functionality needs to be solid from day one.

Less Software

Getting Real advocates for writing less software. This means avoiding feature creep and focusing on simplicity. Every additional feature should earn its place by providing significant value to the user.

Example: Instead of adding every feature your users suggest, evaluate which ones align with your core purpose. This keeps your product lean and user-friendly.

Iteration Over Perfection

Don’t wait for perfection before launching. Getting Real encourages you to release early and iterate based on real-world feedback. This approach helps you learn what works and what doesn’t, allowing you to improve continuously.

Example: Launch your MVP (Minimum Viable Product) as soon as possible. Gather user feedback and use it to make improvements. This cycle of continuous improvement is key to long-term success.

Say No

Learn to say no. Not every idea is worth pursuing, and not every feature should be built. Saying no helps you stay focused on what’s important and avoid distractions.

Example: If a feature doesn’t align with your product’s core mission, don’t build it. This focus ensures you’re always working on what matters most.

Real Customers, Real Feedback

Build for real customers, not imaginary ones. Get your product in front of users and listen to their feedback. This real-world input is invaluable for creating something that people actually want to use.

Example: Instead of developing in a vacuum, involve beta testers early on. Their insights will help you refine your product and ensure it meets real needs.

Work in Iterations

Break your work into small, manageable chunks. This makes it easier to stay on track and make consistent progress. Each iteration should build on the last, gradually improving the product.

Example: Set short, focused development cycles. At the end of each cycle, review what you’ve accomplished and plan the next steps. This iterative approach keeps momentum high and allows for regular assessment.

Write Less, Write Better

Effective communication is crucial. Whether it’s code, documentation, or customer communication, aim to write less but make every word count. Clarity and brevity are key.

Example: When writing user guides, keep them short and to the point. Users appreciate concise, clear instructions over lengthy, detailed documents.

Build for Yourself

Create products that you would want to use. If you’re passionate about solving a problem you face, it’s likely that others will find value in your solution too.

Example: 37signals built Basecamp to solve their own project management problems. Their passion for the product translated into something that many other teams found valuable.


1. Why start small? Starting small allows you to launch sooner, get feedback, and iterate quickly.

Example: 37signals launched Basecamp with just a few features, focusing on what worked flawlessly to improve based on user feedback.

2. How do constraints help? Constraints force creativity and better decision-making, leading to more innovative solutions.

Example: A small budget can help focus on what truly matters, leading to efficient and effective products.

3. Why focus on functionality first? Functionality should come first because a product must work well before worrying about aesthetics.

Example: Prioritize making software intuitive and reliable before adding fancy graphics.

4. Why write less software? Avoid feature creep and focus on simplicity to keep your product lean and user-friendly.

Example: Evaluate features to ensure they provide significant value and align with your core purpose.

5. Why iterate over perfection? Releasing early and iterating based on real-world feedback helps continuously improve the product.

Example: Launch your MVP (Minimum Viable Product), gather feedback, and make continuous improvements.

6. Why is it important to say no? Saying no helps stay focused on what’s important and avoid distractions.

Example: If a feature doesn’t align with your product’s core mission, don’t build it.

7. Why build for real customers? Real feedback from actual users is invaluable for creating something people want to use.

Example: Involve beta testers early on to refine your product based on their insights.

8. Why work in iterations? Breaking work into small, manageable chunks helps maintain progress and momentum.

Example: Set short development cycles, review accomplishments, and plan next steps regularly.

9. Why write less but better? Effective communication through clarity and brevity is crucial.

Example: Keep user guides short and to the point, providing concise instructions.

10. Why build for yourself? Creating products you want to use ensures passion and relevance in solving problems that others might face too.

Example: 37signals built Basecamp to solve their own project management problems, which many other teams found valuable.

Getting Real by 37signals is a treasure trove of practical advice for anyone involved in software development or running a business. By starting small, embracing constraints, focusing on functionality, and iterating based on real feedback, you can build better products and run more effective businesses.

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@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers



@bear_in_the_dark - Growth Hackers
Key Insights from Books

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