Keycloak: Realm & Client Configuration

Abhishek koserwal
Published in
3 min readMay 14, 2019


In this post, we will see: step by step process to create a realm and configure a client with the protocol OpenId-Connect. If you want to understand keycloak key-concepts please check out Keycloak Essentials before going ahead.

1. Creating a realm:

let’s say “keycloak-demo” as an example. Avoid using the master realm for direct integration with the application, keep it for management only, and create a realm for all application integrations. You don’t have to create the realm every time. It’s a one-time process.

2. Clients:

Clients tab allows you to manage your allow application clients

3. Adding a Client:

It is simple to add a client, the same process works for any type of application.

  • Client ID: You can give any suitable name for your application
  • Protocol: ‘OpenID-Connect/SAML’
  • Root Url: Application Hostname



Abhishek koserwal

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