Introducing Arts 3.0

A New Value Paradigm for Creatives

Dimitri De Jonghe
7 min readFeb 17, 2021


A mobile screenshot from my talk in VR about New Value Paradigms for Digital Artists @ Rare Effect

Our Journey in Arts 3.0

In the past months the Keyko Dōjō has been merging forces with local and global creative and arts communities in Lisbon, veteran web3 development houses and underground event organizers to form Art Progression Now (APN). Our mission: to show artists, collectors, builders and investors that “creativity is a basic human right” which demands a new value paradigm.

Here are some articles that explain who we are and what our mission is:

In this post, I will briefly describe our mission, coined “Arts 3.0” and then deep dive into what we’ve built and our plans for the future.

Arts Progression Now

Check out Jesse Steele’s talk on DAO Identity on APN’s Youtube Channel

With Arts Progression Now we committed to onboard, build and deploy web3 solutions that empower artists. This means that we leverage the power of decentralization, blockchain and tokens to explore new value paradigms for artists.

Hereto we coin a new term: Arts 3.0.

Arts 3.0

Following the analogy of web 3.0 where the consumer from web 2.0 is being rewired to include self-sovereignty and neutral, open infrastructure for value sharing, we can frame Arts 3.0 as an evolution of (digital) arts.

The key concepts of Arts 3.0 are the digitization of the arts or the provenance attached to specific artwork or artists, as well as the addition of a programmable value layer using the power of blockchain, tokens and smart contracts. As a side note: physical artworks can have a digital twin that leverages unique identifiers and cryptographic-secured NFC tags to record the provenance in a digital and self-sovereign fashion.

Unpacking Arts 3.0 reveals a few new paradigms and additional layers of infrastructure that artists can take advantage of.

First of all, the artist is able to tokenize the artworks using Non-fungible Tokens (NFTs). This means that the artists are publishing their artworks and licensing/ownership rights themselves without being bound to a label or publishing company. Moreover, with the idea of unique editions, digital arts can be copied while protecting ownership of title, hence introducing a novel form of digital scarcity.

Second of all, once the NFTs are minted, the artist can leverage decentralized finance (DeFi) tools to orchestrate the value flow around the artwork. This opens up many possibilities such as revenue splits, fractional ownership, earning from secondary market sales, new types of auctions, pricing algorithms and improved liquidity, access to money markets that provide borrowing, lending, collateralization, strategy vaults, gambling and so forth.

All of the above can only be possible in an open, permissionless infrastructure where standards and norms are available such that value can be compounded: an NFT could have a fractional ownership structure that borrows some shares in order to lend other NFTs and earn interest on top of that. This is just one small example, but DeFi lovers will know how to compound value. ;)

Rare Effect Framework

We took our mission and experience into action and started collaborating in a virtual exhibition we call “Rare Effect”. It’s meant to give artists a global and open platform to display their artworks, make it available on the marketplace, run interactive events and performances and collect new ideas.

The name Rare Effect comes from squashing together “Rare, Fair and Rekt”:

  • Rare: Digital scarcity, provenance & attribution.
  • Fair: New forms of value distribution and community governance.
  • Rekt: Adding speculation and gamification to entertain collectors and investors.

Virtual Gallery

Our virtual Gallery is hosted on CryptoVoxels and was gratefully offered to us by our partner Mintbase. Once we had access to this digital property, our creative builder Serste modeled the space with the same look and feel as our partner Arroz Estudios.

The textures and walls are exactly what you can find when you come over to Lisbon to visit this magical gallery in the middle of the harbor. People can explore the gallery, interact with the artworks, chat with other visitors, have a party, enjoy the talks and streams and so forth.

Stream: Talks, Interviews, DJ sets, Arts-on-the-loop

Since we’re collaborating with Arroz Estudios and the local arts community in Lisbon, we managed to line up a sick program for 10 days, introducing 11 artists, numerous talks, interviews, DJ sets, live performances, short movies and parties. It’s a pretty amazing channel to tune into!

We stream everything through twitch (and sometimes there’s a glitch) and broadcast directly to our screen in CryptoVoxels, as well as on YouTube and Facebook. The recordings are all made available so you can watch them later.

NFT Marketplace

After our call for artists and some curation and selection we ended up with a selection of stunning art from 16 creators:

•abysms •Amir Shayesteh Tabar •burst_ •Daniele Grosso •Eddie Ivers •Emmanuel Koto •Erica Doo •Islam Allam •Ivelina Ivanova •Kibo •Laura Penez •Pawel Mendrek •Rivka Dette •Sandra Araújo •Sandrine Deumier •Sean Mick

The artworks are in our virtual gallery and can be purchased with a click. You will be linked to our decentralized application on and from there you can buy on mintbase or make a bid on opensea.

Crypto-Interaction: Performances and Artworks with a decentralized App

Did I already mention we made an app, a decentralized one (a dApp)? If not, then here it is: This app makes you interact with the blockchain without the need to know or set up much. At least that’s what we aimed for...

The application has:

  • A gallery view and artwork view to browse and purchase arts.
  • A “burner wallet with zero setup” to allow for gamified interaction with game tokens ($GRAIN) on the rinkeby testnet of ethereum.
  • Token Airdrops to become a $GRAIN whale by finding secrets and redeeming them for tokens.
  • Voting on the choices during live performances using with Bonding Curves from the NFette tooling provided by Linum Labs.
You can use the Rare Effect App to interact with the artworks & performances

Here you can see how everything ties together during an interactive virtual dance performance of the artist Rivka Dette. While being broadcasted live, visitors can vote with their airdopped $GRAIN tokens to influence the storyline of the performance. It gets very meta very soon.

Footage from Rivka Dette’s performance complete with crypto enabled voting

What’s Next?

We have a lot of ideas, great energy and can’t wait to make our virtual experience even better. Here is what you can expect…

Physical Exhibition Twin

Once the COVID measures relax and we can host physical events, we’ll do another edition of Rare Effect with a physical exhibition as well. Everything will be connected. :)

Arts 3.0 Events Platform

We’re keen on modularizing our platform as well as putting our code in the open-source domain. This way you can fork and we can merge your requests!

Decentralized Organization & Tokenization

Obviously, we also want to migrate to an open and incentivized community. This means we’re thinking of creating a governance token, an asset reserve and a voting structure around that. Stay tuned!

Article written by Dimitri De Jonghe in close collaboration with Metaxu Labs: Malte Sielski, Elliott Brunet, Samson Mulugeta Amha, Linum Labs: Paula Pettit, William Schwab, Loominate, Jesse Steele, Patrick Caire, Rivka Dette, Arroz Estudios: Steven McKay, Cintia Pinto, Mintbase: Carolin Wend, Nate Geier, Serste, Gianluca Boccadifuoco and all other members of Arts Progression Now

Keyko is a Web 3.0 solutions provider offering integrated decentralized solutions and advisory for enterprise and startups. We thrive on providing organizations and individuals insights into this emerging digital world where capitalism and ownership are being profoundly rethought.

If you would like to know more about our services or are interested in having a chat please reach out to us on or visit our website here.

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