Keyko’s Virtual Dōjō

Published in
5 min readOct 22, 2020

Coming Soon: 近日公開 — Kinjitsu kōka

In its current form, the Keyko Dōjō exists as a collective of Web 3.0 Sensei, united by a common Budo, or path. Keyko’s path is to enable open and equitable digital ecosystems and foster unstoppable Web 3.0 adoption. In a move to develop a platform for value creation and exchange, we propose to create a virtual community space, in essence a digital Dōjō, where people can gather to share learned wisdom, creative ideas, useful hacks and eventually even digital assets.

Bridging Web 3.0 Governance and DeFi

The idea that open source and decentralized technologies can be leveraged to create robust and innovative financial services is one which Keyko is fully embracing. Indeed, working with some of the most avant-garde organizations experimenting with Web 3.0 has given Keyko unique insights into the decentralized applications which can be built to address the needs of the community.

DeFi is defined as “[an] ecosystem of financial applications that are being developed on top of blockchain systems. As Liquidity Pools and Automated Market Makers become increasingly ubiquitous concepts in the Web 3.0 space, Decentralized Exchanges such as Uniswap, MakerDAO, Curve Finance, Compound, Bancor and decentralized storage networks such as Filecoin are surging ahead in the implementation of their permissionless and trustless infrastructure.

Ashikaga Gyodosan Kumo-no-kake-hashi 足利行動山

With an increasing number of projects crossing the bridge into the world of DeFi, it should come as no surprise that the Keyko Dōjō has been upskilling for the coming epoch. Whether it is helping traditional financial institutions create innovative monetary banking services that compete with neo banks or running validator infrastructure on a decentralized network, the Keyko Dōjō remains ever in tune with the prevailing winds of DeFi.

Enter the (digital) Dōjō

We aim for the Keyko Dōjō to become a beacon, a space where our values and resources combine to serve a common purpose. The first implementation of this will explore an incentive mechanism for staking on our Celo validator node. We have a few ideas and are currently brainstorming mechanisms, such as bounty programs, on-demand feature requests or exclusive content curation to reward our community.

The future is ours to shape and we’re open to your suggestions. As such, it will be important to converge on a roadmap and a manifesto to collectively dictate how we leverage the rewards from the validator to give back to the community.

DAŌJŌ: A model for decentralized organizational governance

Eventually, we’d like to expand the concept of the Dōjō to include mechanisms for decentralized organizational governance. The growing popularity of “flat hierarchies” within traditional companies, and emergence of concepts such as “holacracy”, have drawn inspiration from the grassroots days of open source development.

Therefore, it seems logical that Web 3.0 technologies shall enable us to take these concepts one step further, by integrating decentralized governance and incentives into our own organizational structure. In our vision for the future, staking on feature requests may just be part of your next daily standup meeting!

In fact, our hope is to utilize the technology we build to incentivize collaboration and knowledge exchange within our teams, gradually moving our organizational processes onto a decentralized substrate. We’ll be testing out some of these concepts over the course of our first digital offsite, which is taking place next week.

If you’re implementing decentralized governance models within your organization or if you’re simply interested in this topic, we’d love to hear your take on the art of the possible in the comments below!

Dōjō Experiment #1: The Keyko Validator

Since the beginning of Celo’s mainnet launch, the Keyko Dōjō has been contributing infrastructure to verify transactions on Celo’s Proof-of-Stake Network. As you can see here, Keyko’s validator has been a reliable one, having an uptime score of 99.99%, it has missed close to zero blocks and participated in over one hundred epochs. In fact, the Keyko Sensei are seasoned node operators with extensive experience in building and maintaining proof of stake infrastructure.

However, the Keyko validator group now faces the challenge of staying elected and, realizing we’re just a small fish in a big pond 🐳, we are heavily relying on the support of our community to help us get there. Therefore, in the spirit of healthy decentralization and if you want to be part of a bold and forward-looking community, we encourage you to join our Dōjō and stake on our validator!

Currently, you can learn how to stake on the Keyko validator group by following the instructions on our Medium post “自他共栄: The Art of Celo Validator Staking — Community Style”. Meanwhile, if you’re looking interested in knowing what to look out for when voting on a Celo validator group, please refer to this documentation.

RfR — Request for Reward

As a conduit for our community to grow, we envision Keyko’s digital Dōjō to be a virtual place to meet and create value together. Our goal is to understand what the community wants and propose a way to pay that value forward.

Here is an initial list of potential rewards we thought might provide some inspiration:

  • Voting on which social impact funds and projects to support with a portion of the validator rewards
  • Creating & trading unique Keyko Dōjō swag
  • Earn digital Keyko Collectibles
  • Request Celo Network tools & Dōjō features
  • Accessing and curating exclusive educational content
  • Voting on which projects Keyko should participate in within the Celo Foundation
  • Social governance e.g. what blogpost we should write, what moustache our CEO should wear, what songs we should play in the Dōjō etc.

This list is a work in progress and we’d love to have our community add to the conversation — by either suggesting new possible rewards or helping us refine our ideas.

We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or at

To tune in for more updates from the Keyko Dōjō — follow our publication on Medium. If you’re interested in knowing more about our company and our services, or to sign up to our mailing list — please visit

Contributors: Dimitri De Jonghe, Jesse Steele, Fabian Burghardt, Alexey Jordanov



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