How To Make The Ultimate Password in 2018

KeyKong Blog
Published in
3 min readApr 22, 2018


It’s 2018. We have inboxes full of emails of services we don’t even remember signing to, but when we try to narrow it down only to the necessary ones, the number is still pretty high, right? To keep up with all these accounts, we use the same password for more than one of these services. Well, that’s where lies the danger.

Here’s why:

Today passwords are a doorway into your entire life. They can open the way to information about who you talk to, how you talk, your bank accounts, your social profiles, your clients, the apps you love and a whole lot of sensitive information.

Data breach episodes like the Equifax one are becoming more common in big companies every year. With all that data leak, is important that your guard yourself with strong and memorable passwords.

To guarantee safe access to our data, we use short phrases and replace a couple of characters and get something like c4tlo^eR. However, these short, hard-to-read passwords may look complicated to us but are very simple for computers to read. This means that each account you own must have a P4ssW0RD and that’s not even safe anymore?

Cutting to the chase, now we are going to guide you through the minimum security steps you have to take to avoid seeing your stuff on the data breaches logs of 2018. 👻

1. Passphrase, not password

Passwords are in the past, you should have passphrases. To make it memorable, turn it into stories and avoid using the "forgot password" button so often.

Ex: mymothergavemeflowers, ithrewupintherollercoaster, ieatbreadeverymorning, etc

2. Always use special characters

If a word is written differently, it will not be the same as it is in the dictionary. Try changing letters in your stories for symbols and numbers.

Ex: mym0th3rgav3m3fl0w3rs, 1thr3wup1nth3r0ll3rc04st3r, 134tbr34d3v3rym0rn1ng, etc

3. Try using character variations

“R” and “r” are two different characters, so try putting an upper case in the beginning or ending of the words in your story(easier to remember).

Ex: MyM0th3rGav3M3Fl0w3rs, 1thr3WuP1Nth3r0ll3Rc04st3R, 134tBr34d3v3ryM0rn1ng, etc

4. Leave words incomplete

Take out the last letter or try removing the vowels from each word.

Ex: MM0th3GavMFl0w3r, ThrwpnThRllrCstr, tBrdvryMrnng, etc

5. You won’t memorize it all

Don’t be afraid of having your passwords on a piece of paper somewhere in your house. Maybe there are things far more valuable to you there, so don’t worry. Don’t lose it though, will be a real pain resetting all those passwords.

You should also…

🎉 BONUS! Use Motor Patterns 🎉

Motor patterns are patterns you understand by noticing the drawings your fingers do when typing your password. It’s great for remembering and typing good passwords.

Ex: AzxGbnL./, WsasdOlkl;.

BONUS! Completely different passwords 😙

Don’t just change some letters or one word. Make a completely different password for your own sake.

More than 2 BILLION accounts have been exposed so far, and yours might as well be one of them. We’re here just make sure you aren’t!

However, if you used the tips above and are still in doubt about how strong your new password is, you can compare its security level with the old one here:

Your password practices have something in common with one of the tips above? Do you have more ideas about how to keep your passwords safe? Tell us in the comments, we would love to know your thoughts on the subject!

Oh, and in case you've been wondering…We are the KeyKong App team. If you want to solve these password problems, we can help you create the best random passwords and keep them safe in our storage for you to easily manage them. You just have to remember one and KeyKong will remember all the others for you. If you want, just create a FREE account with your email(we don't ask for credit cards for that) and enjoy our free chrome extension!

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KeyKong Blog is your first step in online safety. It helps you make strong passwords for each of your accounts and keeps them safe for you.