Get Your Startup Running While in School!

Eric Rafat
Keyobi Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2016

Being an entrepreneur is no longer reserved for the tech specialists and people who have had years of experience in the business field. Students can now be entrepreneurs too! They just need a goal, a step by step plan, and a lot of motivation to get them there. To succeed as an entrepreneur whether you’re a student or not, you need to have a product that people absolutely need and can’t get out of their heads. After you have this, you’ll need a team to help get you there. But one of the most important things of all is believing in your product. Keep reading for some more insight on student entrepreneurship!

1. Finding the right team. Your team will be there along with you through all the good times and the bad. They’re there to be your support system, which you’ll definitely need. One key thing to remember is to make sure that your team is well rounded with a variety of backgrounds and that everyone gets along. Developing and getting a product out there is hard enough, no need for extra drama!

2. Sign yourself up for entrepreneurial competitions. It’ll give you a good idea of what your competition is like and what other people are coming up with. Competitions can give you confidence in your idea as well as where you need to focus on improving. Competitions will give you deadlines and incentive to get things done and moving. You can also expand your network and meet valuable people in the industry to give your product the best chance of success.

3. Come up with a business plan. This will force you to really sit down and lay out all the details of your product and what market it’s geared towards. Keep going back to this document and update and change as needed!

4. Define your target market. Not every product is applicable to everyone. If you’re just starting out, try to stick with and audience that you know. Make sure to narrow your market down to something that is realistic.

5. Find yourself a mentor. Starting a business is unchartered territory for most people. There’s a lot of behind the scenes things that you don’t realize until you start a venture. It can be scary, frustrating, and exciting all at once. Finding someone who can help you get through those times can be a life saver. A mentor will be there for you to talk out your problems with, they may give you some insight through their experience in the business field. You may be able to find a mentor in your community, through your school, or through a business competition. As a student, use all your resources at your disposal to learn more about the market and help your product to succeed.

6. Build your network. Schools have a ton of clubs and networking groups full of people with the same interests and passions as you! Join some of these and build your network. There are also events in cities for young professionals or students who are looking to get into the business field where you can mingle. All these people are your peers and can even be potential customers. Don’t be afraid to get their opinion on something you’re unsure about. You may be surprised at what ideas you haven’t thought about that someone brings to your attention.

7. Finally, manage your time. Don’t forget that you’re still in school! While you would rather be working on your business, it’s not an excuse to neglect your schoolwork. It will definitely be tough running a business while going to school. Sometimes, it will seem impossible. But just make sure to balance your time wisely, plan and organize your days and you will get through it.

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Eric Rafat
Keyobi Blog

Founder @FoundersBeta | Top Rank Tennis Player | All things #startup | La Langue Francaise & Web Development | In pursuit of World Class Excellence |