Successful Startup Communities

Jenny Wan
Keyobi Recruiter Blog
2 min readApr 10, 2016

Startups are the backbone of the economy. It’s about creating new jobs and opportunities. Some say it really takes a city to raise a startup. Startup ecosystems don’t just happen. It’s people that build communities. It’s a combination of various of elements. What really makes a successful startup community?

Inspiring environment. Successful startup communities are incredibly inspiring, full of energy, new ventures and new possibilities.

Everyone in the community can be a mentor. Mentoring can be as simple as talking to a startup and helping them connect with the right people or resources. The mentor manifesto article by David Cohen explains what makes a great mentor. It’s a pretty compelling read.

Culture of helping other with what you know. This is is huge. Things you can do to help local companies would be like becoming beta testers and help with their product development.

Be a global citizen. This means exploring and learning from other communities and bring back the successful elements.

Philosophy of inclusiveness and engagement. Everyone is welcomed. Diversity can only bring your community together. Diverse communities can build great things and accomplish great things.

Strong founders must lead the way. The role of these founders is to give back to the community and create more leaders not followers.

Thinking about starting a grass-root movement in community? Here’s some actionable items to follow up on :

  • Start a new meetup group for connecting entrepreneurs.
  • Begin mentoring. This can be via hackathons or events.
  • Champion and cheer for new startups! Refer them to right services.

How is your startup community? Let us know! @KeyobiTalent.

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