Adjusting education: Republican approach

KeYou Official
Published in
1 min readSep 24, 2019

Despite well-established traditions of maintaining diversity and multiculturalism of American society, the President administration keeps trying numerous playbacks. We have earlier reported about ugly situation with trans people in the US who are under risk of losing their identity. Unfortunately, that is far not the end of tortures. The Department of Education has threatened to cut funding for schools, colleges and universities introducing national, religious and LGBTQ communities studies in their curriculum. The threat is real as similar measures have been already implemented locally but now reached federal level.

The most recent example of such “balance” involved Duke University, were the Muslims studies were canceled on the grounds of lack of positive representation of Christianity and Judaism. Looks like absence, not balance, isn’t it? The legislation adopted in Arizona back to 2007 allowed to exclude Mexican-American studies as promoting “anti-American” “kind of destructive ethnic chauvinism.” To maintain “balance” educational programs covering LGBTQ and Latinx people have earlier also been removed from the curriculum. It is fast and easy to ban things. But who will be in charge for degrading to barbarism?

