And Tango makes three

KeYou Official
Published in
1 min readJul 30, 2019

Same-sex couples are not rear in nature in general and in animal kingdom in particular. Speculations on how well animals are able to understand people keep going, but penguins in Ireland seem to be champions in this tricky task.

The fact manifested itself in the Dingle Oceanworld Aquarium. The administration confirmed 8 out of 14 of its penguins being in a same-sex relationship. Surprisingly, the number grew after 2015, when the same-sex marriage has been allowed in Ireland. Pioneering lesbian pair, Penelope and Misty, was formed five years ago and demostdated excellent parenral skilks in caring an adopted baby-pengiun.

Aquarium manager reveals that the behavior to attract the partner in gay and lesbian couples is exactly the same as for straight ones: “woo each other with stones”. Moreover, the parenting are equally distributed between male and female penguins making a great analogy with human society.

However, Roy and Silo from New York Central Park were for sure the champions of parenting. The pair was given an egg to take care off and finally they grew Tango. This true story become a plot of children’s book by Justin Richardson and Peter Parnel entitled ‘And Tango makes three’.

