Gay CEO For LGBTQ Fund: Perfect Match

KeYou Official
Published in
2 min readJun 27, 2020

The pandemic has dramatically changed lifestyles around the globe, disrupted normal business processes, and took an immense number of lives. LGBTQ community turned out to be among the most vulnerable categories that desperately needed help and support. Community life was interrupted, too. For the first time in history, Pride went online. Celebrating who we are without being able to shake hands, feeling a supporting shoulder of a soulmate, has undoubtedly affected LGBTQ people at large. However, as we are entering the track leading (hopefully!) to normalcy in the foreseeable future, there are ways for the community to thrive right now.

As a part of the effort to celebrate diversity and inclusion, LOUD Capital (an early-stage venture fund) has announced launching a new fund, Pride Fund 1.

“From the inception of the fund, we realized we needed a dynamic representative of the community who not only understood the venture and startup spaces but who also had a desire to shape a legacy,” as Navin Goyal, CEO at LOUD, put it.

LOUD was lucky to find Densil R. Porteous to offer him to be the fund’s CEO. Densil, identified as gay, has not only vast administrative experience, but also in-depth knowledge of the LGBTQ community, its needs, concerns, and demands.

The fund aims to support LGBTQ entrepreneurs. The need is especially pressing in the US, where LGBTQ CEOs have less than 1% of the market share (Backstage Capital report).

“I am excited to contribute my talents and passion to the community in this way. We have an opportunity to make a significant impact and leave an enhanced legacy,” commented Densil on his new appointment.

This incredible and promising move is in line with KeYou philosophy. We share a devotion of LGBTQ people being equally present in a business.

In unprecedented times of racial-based injustice and equality, we have recently launched a flash mob #gaylivesmatter in an attempt to attract attention to the problems LGBTQ community faces today, including violence and injustice. We support launching Pride Fund 1 by LOUD Capital and call for investors, VCs, funds, and all our great people to contribute, to spread the word, and to help LGBTQ movement, by supporting projects like ours. Click here for our investor deck and contacts.

