Magnum sentenced

KeYou Official
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2019

The recent ad from Magnum, ice-cream brand, first left the entire LGBTQ community speechless and then caused a burst of criticism in social media. The ad streamed via Spotify compared jailing gays with a “guilty pleasure” of eating an ice-cream. “A hug for my boyfriend. That’s my guilty pleasure. Because in my country, just a simple hug with the man I love could send me to prison for more than 10 years,” says a man from the screen. That is for sure inappropriate and insulting. However, Magnum spokesperson made an ugly attempt to defend the ad claiming that they “wanted to remind people that what is considered a guilty pleasure isn’t always what you would expect.’’

Twitter went crazy about the ad. ‘@MagnumIceCream your [sic] advert comparing the potential to be killed if you’re gay to the guilty pleasure of eating a magnum is disgusting, racist and homophobic. Please withdraw it immediately, ’ tweeted Nell Blain. Other users blamed the company for using “real world problems” to advertise an ice-cream. It is definitely the worst choice ever.

‘Magnum has a history of championing LGBTQ+ rights and Pride Month is a moment when lots of us celebrate progress’. ‘This year we wanted to show our continued support by bringing awareness to the injustices people still face around the world,’ also said the spokesperson. Hey, Magnum, do you feel joy? If so, you are probably the only one. Just take a look on UN numbers. SEVEN (!) UN members impose DEATH PENALTY for the same-sex relationship. In total SEVENTY(!) countries it is criminalized and in TWENTY SIX out of those penalty varies from 10 years to life sentence. There is nothing to add. Just think again before buying Magnum ice-cream next time.

