Feeling stuck at work? Try these 5 simple ChatGPT prompts to get unstuck.

AI Keytalk Blog
Published in
7 min readMay 2, 2023
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Work can be challenging sometimes, and it’s normal to feel stuck or unsure about how to move forward. Whether you’re facing a difficult problem, struggling with motivation, or feeling overwhelmed by your workload, it’s important to take a step back and reassess your approach.

Thankfully, now we have the caring language model, ChatGPT, to hold our hands and guide us through this challenging time. But not everyone has figured out how to talk to the GPT quite yet, so I’ve compiled *yet another& list of 10 ChatGPT prompts that will help you navigate your work challenges with confidence and creativity.

It won’t remove all your pains and sorrows. But at the very least, you’ll have a clue about what you’re supposed to be doing today. And that may be all we need to know to get unstuck.

So let’s get to it!

Prompt #1. Try asking GPT, “What are three potential solutions to the problem I’m facing right now?”


This can help you break through mental blocks and find new ideas. By forcing yourself to develop multiple potential solutions, you expand your thinking and increase your chances of finding an effective approach.

For example, if you’re struggling to meet a deadline for a project, brainstorming three potential solutions can help you evaluate different options and choose the most feasible one. You might realize that working overtime is not sustainable but that delegating some tasks to a colleague or asking for an extension are more realistic alternatives. By considering multiple solutions, you can make a more informed decision and feel more confident in your approach.

There. If you don’t like the three solutions, you can always hit the ‘generate response’ button to get another set of solutions.

Sure, ChatGPT isn’t a marketing guru, but he’s a helpful assistant when you need another brain to pick. I work remotely, so it’s extremely convenient that I have my sidekick ready to go whenever I need it.

Prompt #2. Try asking GPT, “What is the root cause of the issue, and how can I address it?”


This will help you get to the heart of the problem. By identifying the root cause, you can address the underlying issue instead of just treating the symptoms.

For instance, if you’re struggling to meet your deadlines, you might discover that poor time management is the root cause. By addressing this root cause, you can create a schedule or set reminders to help you stay focused and organized, rather than just working longer hours to catch up. This prompt encourages you to take a step back and analyze the situation more deeply, which can lead to more effective solutions in the long run.

For this prompt, I continued from the first one. The evaluation states the obvious, but you can follow up with more prompts. So I gave it a try.

I said, “I’m getting a lot of impressions on my best advertising asset but not enough clicks to make it worth the budget. Any idea why people are not clicking on the link?”

Again, not bad. It’s a bit repetitive, but I wouldn’t have thought to check the landing page speed because it’s usually not my job. Well done, ChatGPT!

Prompt #3. Try asking GPT, “What are some relevant examples of similar problems, and how were they solved?”


This can be a valuable way to draw on your past experiences and use them to solve current problems. By reflecting on past situations, you can identify patterns, recognize what worked well and what didn’t, and apply these lessons to your current situation.

For instance, if you’re struggling to communicate with a difficult coworker, you might reflect on similar situations in the past where you successfully resolved conflicts. You could then apply those same techniques, such as active listening and open-mindedness, to help you navigate the current situation more effectively. This prompt encourages you to use your past experiences as a resource and draw on your own strengths and abilities to find solutions.

But for now, I followed up on my second prompt to see how my AI sidekick’s ability to ‘go on’.

Just to remind you — I asked, “What are some relevant examples of similar problems, and how were they solved?”

Actual case studies! I’m impressed!!

With that said, I’d be extremely cautious and not trust these case studies to be 100% true and factual. Because my friend ChatGPT has a history of bluffing.

But I do recognize the Dropbox case study, so… way to go! I feel like I’m actually close to getting unstuck here.

Prompt #4. Try asking GPT, “What are the pros and cons of each potential solution, and which one is the most feasible?”


This is a useful way to evaluate different options and make informed decisions. By weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each potential solution, you can identify the benefits and drawbacks of each and determine which option is the most practical and feasible.

For example, if you’re considering two potential projects to pursue, you might evaluate the pros and cons of each, such as the amount of resources required, the potential impact on your team’s goals, and the likelihood of success. By analyzing each option, you can make a more informed decision and choose the project that is most aligned with your team’s resources and objectives. This prompt encourages you to think critically and weigh different options before making a decision, which can lead to better outcomes in the long run.

Here, I continued on from my previous conversation. And when I got the results, I asked ChatGPT to put them into a table chart:

One thing to note is that as you carry on, ChatGPT starts to get a little confused — it doesn’t always remember our previous conversations correctly. But it will carry on very confidently, so it’s important that you always check.

This actually makes sense because if you were indeed having a discussion with your coworker, you’d listen to what they say and correct them if they mix up some of the details, right?

Prompt #5. Try asking GPT, “What are some alternative approaches or perspectives that I haven’t considered yet?”


This is a useful way to break out of your usual thinking patterns and explore new ideas. By seeking out alternative perspectives, you can gain fresh insights and develop unique solutions to problems.

For example, if you’re stuck on a design problem, you might ask ChatGPT for alternative approaches or look to unrelated fields or industries for inspiration. By exploring different perspectives, you might gain insights that you wouldn’t have considered otherwise and apply them to your own work. This prompt encourages you to think creatively and consider new possibilities, which can lead to more innovative and effective solutions.

Now let me go back to the previous conversation.

Okay, I feel like we’re starting to drift away from the main point now, but still — it was worth checking just in case. You could actually combine some of these alternative ideas to build yourself a plan B.

ChatGPT can give you a helping hand, but you’ve gotta pick yourself back up.

I played around a bit more with new prompts and noticed that we kept going back and forth, and nothing ‘new’ came out of it anymore. So I decided to wrap up the conversation and get more specific about my request.

ChatGPT isn’t a magic wand, but it’s a useful tool to toss some ideas with to get yourself unstuck. Personally, I feel it helps me stop falling down the rabbit hole of “I don’t know what went wrong and how I’m supposed to get out of this” on my bad days — and I hope this little guide will help you too!

Keytalk AI is the most innovative prompt engineering company. Our semantic AIOps generate leverage industry-specific prompts mined from the words of consumers, helping you make better use of Generative AI tools at work.

Check out Keytalk AI Prompt Trends for movie, beauty, travel, and many more at https://www.prompt-trends.com/

