Published in
2 min readJun 28, 2021


Attention $TANGO holders: keyTango is re-introducing our $TANGO staking program, with 240% APY (!), live now on keyTango Catalyst program!

Go to stake some $TANGOs here:

At keyTango we are constantly seeking to improve the $TANGO token utility. One of the best ways to do so, is to offer $TANGO holders with exclusive, lucrative (in this case, 240% APY) staking programs, that drives extra value to their asset.

In order to do that, we have developed a straightforward staking program for $TANGO holders to stake their tokens and easily claim rewards.

How it works

keyTango users that wish to participate can go to keyTango’s reward program:, connect their wallet, and deposit $TANGO with ease.

$TANGO staking program UI

The user reward for staking is 240% APY, which they’ll receive after 60 days (e.g. 100 TANGO staked will become 140 TANGO after 60 days).

Note that the pool size is limited to a total of 100,000 $TANGO tokens and closes within 1 week (or earlier, once filled). Additionally, once tokens are staked they become locked and cannot be withdrawn until the end of the period.

That’s it! Now sit back and relax as our staking program does the rest. keyTango will announce once the staking period ends, and you will be able to claim your initial tokens and the generated rewards. Good luck folks!

