It’s time to cast your vote! keyTango’s new $UST Staking program voting action is LIVE

Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2021

Go to vote here

Today we are introducing a new voting action. The issue for voting is:

Should we add extra $TANGO interest from emission to our upcoming $UST Staking (Anchor Protocol) program APY?

What are we voting about?

Anchor protocol is a savings protocol offering low-volatile yields on Terra stablecoin deposits. Anchor protocol defines a money market between a lender, looking to earn stable yields on their stablecoins, and a borrower, looking to borrow stablecoins on stakeable assets.

Our upcoming $UST Staking program will offer easy access from the Ethereum network, similar to We developed a super simple UX that, through automation and aggregation, performs all the technical steps required to participate, including funds bridging.

We wish to incentivize users to join this program by adding our existing $TANGO inflation interest (given in the form of $TANGO Staking now) and effectively offering better performance than the original Anchor product, and the alternative service.

So we introduce this question for the community decision:

Should we add extra $TANGO interest from emission to our upcoming $UST Staking (Anchor Protocol) program reward?

General information

The voting is scheduled to start on Thursday, 23 of December 12:00 PM UTC and will close on Thursday, 28 of December 12:00 PM UTC. Every $TANGO holder can participate, but the user vote’s weight is proportional to the user’s $TANGO quantity (the more $TANGO you hold, the bigger your influence). The process of voting is very simple: first go to keyTango’s address at SNAPSHOT platform in the designated voting time, , then enter the respective voting proposal, cast your vote, and wait for the results to be published.

What are governance tokens?

Governance tokens are, as the name suggests, tokens that give their holders the power to influence significant decisions for the cryptocurrency. $TANGO, as a governance token, enables the members of the community to participate in voting on essential procedures and decisions.

How keyTango choose what to vote on

At the moment issues that are subject to vote are raised by the keyTango team members. We encourage our community members to send to the TG channel CMs issues that they wish to vote on in the future.

As already emphasized above, we desire to stick true to our principle of being the easiest to the DeFi space. This is where we need our community to help us make this important decision.

Go to vote:

