Monthly AMA Recap

Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2021

Today (12.9) keyTango held an AMA event with the VP marketing & Business Development, Ido Rab, addressing current issues and presenting expected developments. These were the questions raised by the community:

Question: What is the most important challenge that keyTango faces? What results would you like to achieve in 2 years?@AlexLenderp

Great question @AlexLenderp

The goal (and value prop) is best user experience and journey for DeFi, we want to make DeFi easy and inclusive, just like Robinhood did to trading stocks…

Question: I have seen a lot mentioned about the community treasury as one of the utilities of $Tango. However, it is not inside the roadmap and the information is limited about it. May I know how will the community treasury benefit the $Tango holders and where is it coming from? @AtifThatcher

Important point. Once the app gets more users and TVL, we may introduce a performance fee model. The idea is that we can collect these fees to a pool and the community will decide what to do with them, via voting. While we cant commit to the specifics, I want to share that even today, when we close a Catalyst bridge pool, we use the interest to buy TANGO from Uniswap. We are effectively buying back TANGOs from the market all the time…

There’s a lot more to say in this regard, but that’s what we can share for now..

Question: Is Duplex.Finance the only product we will see this Q3, or are there any mainnet products purely KeyTango products that will help us increase our TVL? Like it’s great that we have Duplex.Finance, but Secret network might take more credit and limelight due to this @shanay_desai

Duplex is a huge and promising effort for us, so Q3 is mostly about it, which will bring us above $5MM in TVL, but there are other investment products coming (that will offer more diversity of investmnt products) along with new and improved UI/UX with tailored recommendations. We’’ll share some screenshots in the upcoming days in the community- it’s coming along great IMO

No need to worry about splitting the credit with Secret Network. we can only gain and will continue to gain from this amazing partnership.

Question: How does the Catalyst platform provide an edge for keyTango and differentiate it from its competitors in the market? @whereiswoopwoop

The super easy UX is the core edge. We collect funds in Ethereum, users can use metamask, and we execute all the very complicated strategies automatically in the backend. We also present a very easy and informative interface… it simplifies the procces for newbies and save time for veterans

Question: Can we expect more of a general educational DeFi content, as it was supposed to be an important aspect of the project? @aby_ss

Sure, working on it now days

The plan is to create 2 levels of content in our product- bit sized lessons for definitions and lingo, and deep dive blog articles for more broad concepts. You can check out our first blog article in our Medium channel in the meantime…

Question: What marketing efforts are in place currently? @aby_ss

Many things are already in motion and some are being developed right now.

to name a few of these: Significant Twitter campaign push (which already bring results), SEO campaign that went into motion 2 weeks ago, we’re about to start a long term PR campaign with one of the top 3 crypto PR agencies in the market (final meeting in an half an hour), listing on COINSBIT (with some events to encourage “activity”- soon to be announced) listing in one more 2nd tier venue in the short term future, and most importantly:

a vast array of marketing and business dev opportunities that emerged from the Duplex.Finance program pilot (one of the main project goals). There’s a lot of balls in the air, with some of the biggest projects in the market.

I encourage community members to DM me if they have some ideas in regard to marketing- we’re open to hear suggestions 😉

Question: Are you planning launchpads on your platform? This could lead to many investors😊Also can use KeyTango tokens for IDO priority queue launchpad🤔 @VadimCyberCutlet

Nope, we’re not a launchpad, and have no plans in this regard for now

Question: Have you considered alternative approaches to educating retail that involve them directly in the investment process? It could be an interesting way to increase demand and add utility to the token, as it then becomes a portal to the knowledge hub and an implicit prescreening for your most passionate users. @whereiswoopwoop

These are very interesting ideas, we can explore them. The current focus is that we want to make the educational content available for as many people as possible and use it to attract users to the platform. Moreover, we are working now to weave the educational content in the invest app so it support users with relevant educational materials during the investment process, in every step of the way. other than that we’ll have the “learn” segment in the website itself.

Question: With the Duplex Finance Program coming, it was mentioned that the participation scheme highly prioritizes Secret Network/ keyTango community members. what classifies me as a community member of Secret and Tango? Member of the community group? I believe it is the holders of the tokens right? If so, how many tokens would give us an edge over the other people participating? It has a 5M volume cap, so what happens if the demand exceeds the volume cap? @AtifThatcher

When we reach the cap the contract won’t accept any additional funds — the pool will close until someone withdraws. For this scenario we have a waiting list, ready to notify waiting approved users that they can participate. In regard to keyTango’s community allocation- We have $1M allocation for $TANGO holders for the program. every $TANGO holder can participate in the general public allocation (like any other user), or benefit from a preferred status as a keyTango community member (in condition that they hold at least $10K TANGO). the elevated status within the program is very valuable. we hope that it will raise $TANGO utility, and plan to add a few more aspects that will drive more utility to our token- let’s remember that this is a pilot and we plan to use the data collected in order to improve many aspects in the future full product. That being said, we plan to offer $TANGO holders a different set of demands to create a real delta for being part of the community and holding a large amount of tokens. hope that covers it..

Question: Are there any new partnerships coming soon? 😎 @amityfaila

Great question and a short answer- Yes 🙂 we will update when we can on TG and other social media channels, very interesting collaborations…

That’s it. Special thanks for participated members, see ya’ in the next event!

