Project progress review: Poppin’ the hood on keyTango

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3 min readNov 12, 2021

In keyTango we are working around the clock to achieve our goal: DeFi for all through best in class user experience. In the past few weeks, we made a few major leaps forward that we wish to reflect to our community.


Thanks to many activities, our TVL crossed over $5M lately. We introduced new pools that are used constantly by both rookie and veteran users, with increasing conversion rates. Moreover, the pool’s performance has improved greatly, check out the performance history of SCRT-ETH LP on the app, for example.

Other than TVL, our market cap has increased by ~3X. While $TANGO’s circulating supply increased, we managed to reverse it’s downward trend from the post IDO MAX value. As emission of the token slowed down the price increased by ~4X from the MIN since then. The info is being updated on main platforms (CMC,CGecko) nowadays.

Moreover, our project exposure is on the rise with ongoing increase in website traffic, platform usage and community growth.

The increasing TVL and usage of our platform amplifies the built-in buy back mechanism of Catalyst, which in turn provides more value to $TANGO holders. FYI, in the past two weeks we performed a buy back of ~$90k TANGO.

Duplex.Finance is a major milestone in the late project developments. It solidified our far reaching partnership with Secret Network, provided us with a new channel to forge BD relationships and improve upon the project’s brand awareness. More on that in the ‘Marketing’ topic.

In regard to the project’s roadmap, we managed to precede the expected timeline of mobile compatible web app production, which was expected to be operational in Q1/22. In this quarter, the focus is on new program integrations, more on that in the ‘Product’ topic.


Our brand new DeFi app is finally ready and live. We created a killer, super simple UX to make our users enjoy the easiest way to participate in DeFi programs. Packed with smart features, our app introduces a new level of transparency, focusing on every important aspect of the investment process. Check it out- It’s really cool!

For starters, we will offer 3 well established programs:

  • SCRT-ETH Liquidity Pool
  • TANGO Staking
  • USDC-USDC(BSC) Liquidity Pool

In the next two weeks we will add 2 new, unique programs to our app:

  • TANGO Liquidity Mining
  • FRAX-USDC Liquidity Mining

In accordance with our roadmap, we plan to keep integrating quality products to offer a wide range of opportunities for our users.

As to our product’s education layer, we launched our deep-dive series with the cover of larger topics, alongside our existing bite sized explainers. We published 3 articles by now, that are getting great feedback, and help us understand what our users are looking for. We will keep researching the effectiveness and value of this effort, and fine tune it to provide the optimal value for our project.


We improved our brand awareness and exposure through multiple activities and marketing campaigns.

  • Social media presence: Due to substantial effort we managed to increase our community significantly. Our Twitter followers base, for example, grew from 9k to 14.5k in the past 3 months. Other parameters like impressions and mentions showed similar growth numbers. On our TG channel we are promoting ongoing activities like contests and polls to engage with our community.
  • Duplex.Finance: A massive campaign was launched with the product, which we developed with our partners at Secret Network. It allowed us to form new relationships and create new marketing opportunities for the project. Moreover, the pilot gives us valuable insights, which in turn helps to shape out marketing strategy.
  • App traffic & usage: in the past 90 days we were able to increase our platform adoption by ~250% (both in users and sessions), due to multiple marketing efforts. We hope that with the launch of the new app (packed with high value features) and the production of more quality programs, we will see the usage increasing at a greater pace.
  • New app marketing campaign: We launched a focused campaign that will push our platform to new users, highlighting all the different features and value it provides, using social media, videos, illustrations and more. This campaign is designed to achieve very ambitious goals in terms of usage and conversion, keep your eyes out for it on our channels!

