Rapid Unwinding is live! Learn all about it
Check out this cool feature here: https://app.keytango.io/portfolio
The most basic aspect of using a dashboard is the ability to manage all of your DeFi assets in one place. The degree to which you control your assets depends on the specific features that the dashboard provides; features that increase your ability to control your assets in a quick and simple manner has great value for users.
Here’s where keyTango comes into the picture.
What is Rapid Unwinding?
A feature of keyTango’s dashboard which allows users to exit multiple positions in one click of a button. There are 2 types of Unwinding:
- Unwinding assets: In which a user may unwind multiple assets at once.
- Unwinding investments: In which a user may unwind multiple investments at once.
How does it work?
In order to Rapid Unwind assets/ investments, the following steps should be performed:
- Go to keyTango’s dashboard (Portfolio), connect wallet and press “Enable Rapid Unwinding”
- From the list of existing assets in the wallet, check the boxes of those you wish to unwind.
- Choose possible destination asset: USDT/ DAI/ USDC
- Press “convert to USDC/ DAI/ USDT”.
- The transaction will be presented via web3 for signature and transmission.
- Sign the transaction and that’s it!
Check out this cool feature here: https://app.keytango.io/portfolio
Go to keyTango’s open investment programs: https://app.keytango.io/invest?type=allPrograms