Accepting the Call

Craig Watson
2 min readSep 27, 2016


September 27 — Jeremiah 1:1–10

But the LORD said to me, “Do not say, ‘I am only a child.’ You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you.” (Jeremiah 1:7)

Would you accept a person-to-person call from God? Do you even remember the days person-to-person or collect calls, back before the day of cell phones? I honestly don’t know if there are such things as person-to-person or collect calls anymore. But, what if there are and what if it was a collect call that was going to cost you if you accepted it? What if you were in the middle of something else? Would you stop what you were doing and take the call?

If you haven’t discovered it yet, God’s timing and our timing seldom coincide. More often than not God surprises us with His “visits.” And when it comes to God’s calling, we are usually left overwhelmed and speechless. That was certainly the case with Jerry.

“Jerry,” God said, “You know I know you better than anyone. In fact, I knew you before you were a glimmer in your father’s eye. Even then I had great plans for you. I had already decided to set you apart to speak for Me.”

Well, Jerry was flabbergasted. “Lord, You’ve got to be kidding! I can’t speak for You. I’m too young. You need someone with gray hair and lots of experience.”

But the Lord didn’t give up that easy. “Don’t give me that ‘I’m too young’ line. Remember Who you are talking to. If I send you, you will speak My words, not yours. So, don’t be afraid. I will always be with you.”

Of course, I’m referring to how the prophet Jeremiah was called by God. What an amazing story! Imagine if God were to call you. He has, you know. Oh, He may not speak audibly to you and He may not call upon you to be His spokesperson to many nations, but you can be sure that you have or will hear His voice. Why? Because God loves everyone He has ever created and desires a relationship with them. He even has a plan for what you can do with your life. The next step is up to you.

“Collect call from God. Will you accept the charges?”

