Interceding For Our Nation

Craig Watson
3 min readSep 4, 2016


September 4 — Psalm 130

O Lord, hear my voice.
Let your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.

(Psalm 130:2)

There were men, as far as the eye could see, kneeling or lying prostrate on the ground, crying out to God for forgiveness. I know there was no official count, but, if the Mall holds 800,000 as government officials assert, figure it out. Men were packed together the entire length of the Mall, overflowing onto the sides of the Mall and down the side streets by the thousands. The Mall extends from the reflecting pool in front of the Capitol Building to the Washington Monument. Beyond the Washington Monument, it is approximately the same distance to the Lincoln Memorial. This area was also filled to capacity and overflowing. Beyond the Lincoln Memorial, the river of men extended beyond the Jefferson Memorial all the way to the Iwo Jima Monument. It was truly a multitude of men and there they were, all humbling themselves before Almighty God.

The prayers offered were not short, trite, obligatory prayers. They were heart-felt, passionate, deep prayers of repentance — repentance for failures in relationship to God; repentance for physical, spiritual, and emotional abuse and neglect in the home; repentance for failing to uphold and pray for our leaders; repentance for denominational elitism and separatism in the Church; repentance for racial bigotry and hatred; and, repentance for failing to fulfill the Great Commission to which our Lord has called us all.

Never in the history of this nation — perhaps not in the history of the world since the days of Nehemiah — has there been a sacred assembly of this magnitude with the sole purpose of repentance and consecration to God. To be a part of it was moving to say the least, but for most — if not all –it was truly life-changing. How could you sincerely participate in these sessions of prayer and not be changed? There were audible groans and sobbing all around you. Grown men were crying out, “I’m sorry, God, I’m sorry” like little children broken before their Father. There were men holding up one another’s arms in prayer like Aaron and Hur did for Moses. How could you be a part of this and not be changed?

I will never forget what happened on October 4, 1997. I will never forget the impact it had on my life. As I left that Promise Keepers “Stand In The Gap” rally, I knew I was leaving holy ground, for God had truly been present. Oh, how I yearn for another event such as this and how it would benefit our country! How we need it today!

But, we don’t have to be in the midst of a million people in order to cry out to God. We do not need an event such as this to repent of our sins and ask for God’s healing. The same God who met with us that day will meet with us individually, wherever we may be, and hear our cries. He will respond to us as a Father who loves His children. He will forgive and restore us, guiding us in the way we should go. Let’s go to the Father today and seek Him with all our heart.

