We asked the team: What’s the best thing about working on the Khan Academy design team?

Erica Deahl
Khan Academy Design
3 min readFeb 24, 2020

Jeff: It’s easily the most fascinating design problem-set I’ve ever worked on. If you like to really get deep into your subject matter, it’s a fantastic opportunity to do that.

Liz: Not only is the design team filled with designers so skilled that you want to be them when you grow up; each person on the team is also an amazing human being who makes you feel valued and welcome. They are a seriously considerate, compassionate, talented, goofy bunch that really cares about you and the work.

Leo: Working on things I actually care about with people I actually like and want to hang out with. I always know that the team is looking out for each other, the broader Khan Academy team, and all the learners and teachers we serve.

Priya: How much fun we have together being creative, silly, and caring, plus all the secret slack channels we have about surprises for each other!

Doodling together in Figma✨

Michael: My single favorite thing about being part of the Khan Academy design team is how aligned we all are around our mission. That creates an environment where talented, thoughtful folks care deeply about each other and the impact we get to make.

Irene: We take birthday celebrations here to a whole nother level here.

Alyssa: Not only is everyone super talented; they’re all awesome, kind, and funny too → It’s a really wonderful place to be a designer. Lots of opportunities to grow and stretch in a supportive environment!

Garrett: The design challenges are large, and the impact of our work is even larger. It’s fulfilling and humbling at the same time.

Todd: The smiles and excitement on people’s faces when they get to go on a classroom visit and engage with kiddos warms my little user research heart.

Kids redesigning their Khan Academy homepage, facilitated by Todd & Vivek ✏️

Sanyukta: I love the problems we’re working on + we play games and do fun, silly things all the time. I love the endless debates on things like which french fry is best (curly!)

Warren: Being on this team means you get to work with thoughtful, talented designers, at an organization where everyone cares deeply about the mission. The focus is on the good work we’re doing for society and for each other. It’s a rare and wonderful balance.

Andrew: I came to Khan Academy looking for a company where business incentives are truly aligned with mission. I not only found that, but also a team of caring and talented folks.

Raph: When other places think of designing for engagement, they usually think of increasing profit. Here we think about increasing learning. That’s a rare and special part of designing here.

Erica: Our team feels safe being vulnerable with each other, getting creative and a little weird, and sharing our feelings and half-baked ideas. This results in magical things like circus-themed cursor gardens, inventing silly games together, and ultimately bringing those quirky inspirations into the work we do to support students and teachers.

Playtesting a game we designed 👾

