Introducing Kheiro Magazine

Janna Brancolini
Kheiro Magazine
Published in
1 min readMar 29, 2017

“Being a liberal, in the true sense, is being nondoctrinaire, nondogmatic, non-committed to a cause — but examining each case on its merits.” — Walter Cronkite

Kheiro is an online magazine dedicated to championing liberal ideals of freedom and equality at a time when growing numbers of politicians and citizens around the world are embracing reactionary, anti-democratic and isolationist policies.

Named in honor of the method of voting used in the world’s first popular assembly in ancient Athens, our mission is two-fold: to examine this “anti-liberal” phenomenon, and to propose solutions developed through a multi-disciplinary, international perspective.

We distinguish liberalism — a worldview that embraces equality, democracy and rule of law — from left-wing politics. Attacks on liberal values come from both sides of the political spectrum, and in today’s inter-connected world, events in one country are bound to cause political, social and economic waves in others.

We are interested in exposing wrongs, celebrating rights and proposing solutions. We aren’t giving up, and we hope you won’t either.

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Janna Brancolini
Kheiro Magazine

Editor and attorney covering international law and politics: @KheiroMagazine, @NMavens. Contact