For your own fucking good, go to the Helmuth Projects tonight

Dominic Fawcett
Khene Zine
Published in
2 min readJun 22, 2018

You know that little voice in the back of your head that tells you that you should get out of the house, that you should do something new besides going to the same stupid bar that you go to every weekend, surrounded by the same assholes with different faces? The voice that says you should do something different, something fun and exciting? That voice should be screaming in your head so fucking loud right now. The kids over at San Diego Freakout have really outdone themselves with this line up and location. In a very short time The Helmuth Project will be no more because San Diego is fucking stupid and thinks that we need more condominiums to replace one of our very few DIY art venues. I’m not entirely surprised by this considering our city has so many empty living spaces scattered all over the place what better idea is there than to build more? All bitter ranting aside, tonight could be the last chance for you to experience this badass space, and it just so happens to have one of the dopest lineups I’ve seen in the last couple months. I have a feeling that the building will be left in shambles by the end of the night so get there early and wear your flame-retardant gear cause this lineup is lit fam! Preview the night below.

Well Well Well (former members of Barbarian)

COMANDc (members of Wild Wild Wets and Sleeping Ghost)

New Me (homie from Spooky Cigarette)

Kingdom of the Holy Sun (Hailing from Seattle)

Juniore (The most bangin’ group of babes from Paris to grace this city in quite some time.)

