Beaxy Ambassadors And Why They Stand Behind Beaxy

Published in
5 min readOct 16, 2018

Hey everyone,

As you probably noticed by now I am sharing a lot of content about Beaxy Exchange through my Twitter and recently released my new article “Beaxy Exchange Token Sale Review”.

I wanted to take this opportunity to let all of you know that I became an official advisor for Beaxy Exchange. I handpicked this project out of a lot of others. I am very picky and don’t want to see my time wasted on a project that doesn’t have the right mindset and core values. I want to work with a project that wants to change the crypto space into a better place, a project that values and listens to their investors and community and last but not least a project that is transparent and honest all the way.

To me Beaxy Exchange is all of that and I am not the only one believing that. You might have seen Beaxy Exchange on your Twitter or somewhere else. The Beaxy invasion has started and you almost can’t go anywhere in crypto without reading about it. Some find it irritating, some find it amazing.

So why this article? Well, I want to make it transparent to everyone why you see Beaxy everywhere and what the real reasons behind it are and obviously get rid of a lot of false accusations.

Beaxy Referral Contest

On 1 October, 2018, Beaxy released their referral contest. Which you can read about over here.

This contest has been gamified and boosted with incentives at every turn to create hype and drive competition. The point of this contest is simple: acquire users for Beaxy. The contest will run from October 1st until December 12th.

Beaxy decided to make a fun competition where people can earn Beaxy by getting users registered. Referred users who sign up during this contest will get 90 days of free trading on the Beaxy platform and 50 $BXY, a win-win situation.

You get the opportunity to win a significant amount of tokens by referring users to an amazing platform where they get to trade for free for three months and also get some $BXY in return.

Additionally, you will receive 25% of trading fees collected from referred accounts for six months after the exchange is live. After these 6 months, you receive 10% off trading fees for the remainder of the time that user trades on Beaxy.

Beaxy for the People by the People

Beaxy Exchange is an exchange that’s built by traders for traders. Since they start their journey they always listened to experienced traders and were open for feedback. A lot of that feedback already is integrated into the exchange as we speak.

Beaxy wants to be an exchange for the people by the people. That’s why they decided to reach out to people on Twitter. People that they wanted to convince to see the strengths of Beaxy in the hope these people would then spread the word of their experience. All of these people have seen the product through a demonstration.

This is happening right now, and it’ s really satisfying to see.

Beaxy Ambassadors Getting Paid?

To me, it’s always important to be completely transparent. The Beaxy ambassadors I mention in here are NOT getting paid! Unless they are advisors. However they do get a better % of referral fees then the public, this only goes for the earlier adopters which have been with Beaxy since the start. This is how Beaxy rolls, they value the people who believed in them and helped them from the start, and it makes more than sense that they have a better referral rate in return for that.

For a lot of people, this question remains: Why do these big Twitter guys promote Beaxy? Well next to the Beaxy Referral Contest, they really believe in the exchange and I took the time to ask some of the ambassadors/advisors why they like Beaxy.

Bitcoin Birch

Bitcoin Birch, @BitcoinBirch, 45,000 followers on Twitter, is not just an ambassador for Beaxy. He is an advisor who helps with all aspects of the business in Chicago.

Referral link of Bitcoin Birch:


Squanch, @bit_gossip, 30,900 followers on Twitter, is a big ambassador for Beaxy in Turkey. This is one of the reasons why he supports Beaxy.

Referral link of Squanch:


Blackbeard, @crypto_blkbeard, 32,500 followers on Twitter. Blackbeard already had an amazing interview with Beaxy’s CEO Artak, which you can read over here.

Referral link of Blackbeard:

I Draw Charts

I Draw Charts, @IDrawCharts, 10,600 followers on Twitter. I Draw Charts is one of the new guys on the block, but he made a lasting presence in this new space already. This is why he likes Beaxy.

Referral link of I Draw Charts:

Bernie Green

Bernie Green, @BernieGreen_, 5,700 followers on Twitter. A person who is very creative with his ambassadorship of Beaxy. Just have look at his Beaxy tweets.

Referral link of Bernie Green:


Broccolex, @Broccolex, 24,000 followers on Twitter. Peoples favorite vegetable on Twitter. This is how he thinks about Beaxy:

Referral link of Broccoli:

The Crypto Fam

The Crypto Fam, @TheCryptoFam, 20,000 followers on Twitter. Is a community of crypto enthusiasts bridging the gaps.

Referral link of The Crypto Fam:

I hope this gives you a better understanding what Beaxy Exchange is all about. That Beaxy really is an exchange for the people by the people. As Bitcoin Birch mentioned about his conversation with Artak the CEO of Beaxy:

He told me about this exchange was building and I cut him off, I said, how much are you raising. His response, until I build it and actually know we can do it at scale, I’m not raising anything. This was not your typical response as every founder was obsessed with ICOs at the time, but not Beaxy.

Be sure to read my Beaxy Exchange Token Sale Review over here to get the full scope of the Beaxy project.






Writing articles about Stratis Platform, Beaxy Exchange and Crypto in general —