Statue of Friedrich Engels in Manchester

Published in
2 min readDec 23, 2023

Big thinkers’ intention are that not only interpret the world, but changing the world. Obviously, this changing must be more humane, more human dignified. Friedrich Engels is figure, who attempted to change the world like this.

This a statue was constructed firstly in the 1970s in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, afterwards when Soviet collapsed, this Cyrillic inscription statue affected by destroying. Therefore, artist Phil Collins brought it to Manchester from Ukraine because Engels had been long living in Manchester. Additionally, Engels wrote his book “The condition of working class in England” between 1842–44 in Manchester. In this book, he observed that oppressors do not oppress human immediately, instead they use complex tricks that is competition.

Average person aware on successful, must be good at competitiveness. Each is in the way of the other, and each seeks to crowd out all who are in his way, and to put himself in their place. One crouch in order to please his boss, and if occurs any fails, blame his co-worker. Competing with someone you work with all day reminds me of Squid game, Hunger games, The Platform, Snowpiercer.

This competition of the workers among themselves is the sharpest weapon of bourgeoisie.

December 2023

