Gap Year FAQs

Vipul Shaha
Published in
6 min readAug 20, 2020
Credit: Indian Multiversities Alliance

Thinking about Taking a Gap Year?

Frequently Asked Questions

These are a general set of questions and responses. Further exploration and one-on-one coaching may be more helpful in order to brainstorm ideas, address individual level queries, respond to particular situations, explore customized opportunities and challenges that one may be finding oneself faced with when considering a Gap Year.

  1. Why take a Gap Year?

The reasons and motivations for taking a Gap Year can be different for each individual.

Here are broad perspectives on the benefits of a taking a Gap Year —

  • A year off the routine track — from our personal, professional, academic life can renew, rejuvenate and refresh yourself by helping us gain new skills, perspectives, ideas and inspirations. Our mind, body and spirit can benefit from a nourishing, nurturing space and time of leisure and passionate pursuits.
  • During phases of uncertainty and transition, it can offer more clarity, a sense of purpose and direction with regards to our next steps.
  • By doing something out of the ordinary, by breaking out of predefined moulds, we invite ourselves to step into the unknown, out of our comfort zone — which holds tremendous potential for new possibilities to emerge, for growth and transformation.

2. I find it difficult to take an entire year out — what can I do?

A Gap Year does not necessarily have to be year long in duration. It could even be a few gap-months, gap weeks or even gap days from the ordinary routine of life. The idea behind a ‘Gap Year’ is to try out something new, different, explore something anew, with a beginner’s mind, curious heart, conscious intention and purposeful engagement — which can happen even for a few hours or even a few minutes everyday! However, for a deep immersive and radically transformative journey — spaciousness in terms of time and commitment can be greatly helpful.

3. How do I know that taking a Gap Year is a good choice for me?

The answer really lies within you! In order to find out — you may wish to deeply reflect and ask yourself — whether your heart and mind are desirous of a wholly different way of being? Am I willing to walk on a path that is not predefined? Does my life, as it is at the moment, inspire me — and what might it be needing to further continue building on that inspiration? Am I willing to step out of my comfort zone and try out something different? Do I have the motivation and capacity to take charge of my learning and living? Am I willing to trust the process of emergence and unknown challenges and discoveries?

4. How do I manage finances during my Gap Year?

We hope and believe that finances should not and would not pose major constraints for taking a Gap Year — and that taking a Gap Year should not be a luxury reserved for limited few. Having said that, we also understand that there may be different circumstances for each individual.

Thankfully, there are many creative ways of approaching a Gap Year in a way that it doesn’t become financially burdensome. Many spaces, organizations, individuals continue to be supportive and even encouraging of taking a Gap Year. With a clear understanding of mutual needs and offerings, often an arrangement can be worked out such that it benefits everyone!

Gift economies, work-exchanges, internships, volunteering, low-budget travel, crowdfunding, fellowships and scholarships etc. are but a few ideas to begin to think about a financially wholesome Gap Year.

Skillfully planning and managing one’s finances can itself be a great learning opportunity for any young person who steps out into the world during his/her Gap Year.

5. How do I convince my family about taking a Gap Year?

Family often plays an important role before taking on and during the Gap Year process. The concerns and questions raised by family members and close relatives/friends, are often coming from a genuine place of concern.

If one is able to assuage the fears around safety, security (financial, academic, career, social etc.) Towards that end following may be some helpful strategies:

  • Holding clear intentions and purpose for your Gap Year. Being able to articulate it well to your family (writing it down before communication might be helpful!)
  • Planning your Gap Year — with specific goals and objectives, timelines, mentors and resources (even if they may change or evolve as you go further along into your Gap Year)
  • Facilitating a conversation between your family and people who have taken a Gap Year/programs or organizations who endorse and support Gap Years
  • Finally, and most importantly, being fully convinced yourself of the importance of taking a Gap Year at this point in your journey!

6. What do I do during my Gap Year? What if it ends up being a waste of time?

The possibilities for what you can do during a Gap Year are infinite — it is like having a blank canvas for you to paint on — depending upon your purpose, intention, needs and dreams, the availability of resources, opportunities, the ecosystem of support etc.

One can go on solo-travels, take a retreat for inner-discovery and wisdom, join one of the many Fellowship programs, pursue internships/volunteering opportunities in one’s field of interest, experiment with initiating or contributing in a social/entrepreneurial initiative, apprentice with experts and learn new skills (on & offline), or simply ‘Just Be’ without any rigid plan/agenda.

For some ideas:

7. How do I go about planning and designing my Gap Year?

It can be an exciting and challenging process to self-design a Gap Year. Some of the things and questions which may be helpful to keep in mind:

— What are my intentions, goals and learning / doing / non-doing objectives from this Gap Year? What would I like to achieve at the end of it?

— What is the desirable and possible duration for my Gap Year?

— What would I like to learn in terms of new skills, knowledge, ideas?

— Where would i like to spend my Gap Year (it can be multiple places/involving extensive travel as well)?

— How much budget is required to meet the needs of this Gap Year? What are the potential sources of financial support/funding?

— Who are my mentors, support system during this Gap Year?

— What does my timeline look like — when do I start, how do I plan and allocate my time (daily/weekly/monthly) etc.?

— What is the scope for flexibility, uncertainty and emergence — how much ‘planning’ and ‘un-planning’ am i feeling comfortable with at this point?

— Would i like to capture, document, reflect upon, internalize my learning and key takeaways from this Gap Year — would i like to share it with others?

— What potential risks, challenges to anticipate and what back-up options/contingency plans would I like to make?

— Anything else I wish to think about?

8. Can you please suggest some resources and ideas for taking a Gap Year?

You may wish to explore this website for further inspiration, ideas and Gap Year opportunities:



Vipul Shaha
Editor for

Gap Year Coach, Youth Mentor, Mindfulness Based Counselor, Yoga & Mindfulness Trainer, Holistic Education Consultant, Facilitator, Environmental Educator