Looking for a mentor or a coach?

Vipul Shaha
Published in
3 min readFeb 4, 2018

If you’re feeling called to take a gap-year / few gap-months or even short term explorations into designing your own learning, making a career shift into the world of alternatives, finding your calling, sharing your talents and gifts with the world in meaningful new ways, engaging with exciting different ideas, projects, communities, opportunities and possibilities, we are happy to extend support!

We are here to help you get started, to seek clarity, brainstorm and bounce off your ideas, navigate through your confusions or questions. In our experience, much strength, motivation, inspiration and momentum can be gained by being able to share, listen to each other and seek guidance from someone who has charted out courageous new pathways of learning and living in their own unique ways.

Through our wide network of mentors and coaches spread across India, you can be connected to a fellow Khoji, mentor, walkout, or a coach in your fields of interest and even custom-design your own gap-year program/exploration for yourself. We will apply various self-reflective tools and the IKIGAI framework so as to gain a sense of clarity, purpose and direction.

Connect with us: vipul.shaha [at] post.harvard.edu / +91 96 328 65380

Do you find yourself at the crossroads in your life? Wish to create your own purposeful pathways of learning and living?

The times maybe more ripe than ever! 2020 has brought major disruptions in our lives at the individual and collective level.

It can often feel disorienting to navigate our journey through this difficult, uncertain transition phase for humanity.

While the world, as we know it, may seem to be falling apart, herein lies the opportunity for new emergence.

Could it be a time of taking on radical new, courageous, creative adventures and to act on our deepest inner callings? How would you re-imagine & re-invent your world? What is the unique role you’re being called to play in co-creating it?

Do reach out if you’d like to brainstorm ideas, find inspiration, receive a safe listening space, one-on-one coaching and mentorship support from someone who has constantly redefined his path and continues to be on a lifelong ‘Gap Year’! :)

Leap Forward — Gift Yourself A Gap Year

Vipul Shaha

Gap Year Coach, Personal Counselor, Youth Mentor, Holistic Educator, Yoga & Mindfulness Facilitator

Connect with us: vipul.shaha [at] post.harvard.edu / +91 96 328 65380

Beginning to understand oneself is the first step towards transformation.



Vipul Shaha
Editor for

Gap Year Coach, Youth Mentor, Mindfulness Based Counselor, Yoga & Mindfulness Trainer, Holistic Education Consultant, Facilitator, Environmental Educator