Cosmon Championships: Let the games begin! 🏆

Ki Foundation
5 min readOct 17, 2022


It has been 3 weeks since Wosmongton activated the Training Mode and opened up the floor for his cloned leaders to put their skills to the test. This trial period has been an eye-opening experience, to say the least!

Over 30,000 fights were fought in that time, providing him with the data and the necessary oversight to straighten out some small bugs. For example, he had to adjust the way the outcome of a fight was determined using the action and health points as decisive data.

Cosmon Battles — Training Mode

Ensuring that the decks are well-matched also emerged as a key issue during these training sessions. Wosmongton was able to observe how the battle dynamics suffered when ill-suited powers were pitted against each other. The matchmaking formula was therefore tweaked to recalibrate decks when powers are too unequally distributed.

Since we’re now looking ahead to future championships, the evolution capacity of each leader has been optimised. That means that the training cap on levelling up is no longer limited to 10; now that Wosmongton is happy with this preliminary phase, the sky is the limit.

The moment has finally come for real Cosmon battles to commence!

In this article, we’ll introduce the first Cosmon championship and go over how it works: Championship rules, Tokenomics, and the distribution of prize pools. But first, a few words from our CEO, Reda, to our community:

“Since we first created Cosmon back in January, this announcement has always been the moment we were building up to, the launch of the Championships. Now that it’s here, we’d like to thank every single member of our community for accompanying us on this journey! Thank you all for your support, contributions, and feedback! It has been extremely valuable.”
BERREHILI RĂ©da - CEO & Co-founder of the Ki Foundation

Now let’s dive in:
Cosmon will kickstart the incentivised leagues with an open weekly championship.

Every Monday at 18:00 CET, all deck holders can sign up to join the championship and engage in Cosmon battles against other players to share in the weekly Prize Pool.


To enter the league, all deck holders will be charged an entry fee of 10 $XKI.

Once signed up, players can join the championship by submitting a fight request with the deck of their choosing and selecting the League when choosing an Arena. Entering a championship happens at the wallet level. This means that once you’re in, you can use any of the decks in your possession to engage in fights.

It’s important to note that every fight, in addition to blockchain transaction fees, will have a flat fee of 0.1 $XKI (more on this later, in the Tokenomics section).

Every championship will last for a week, from Monday 6pm to Monday 6pm, and players can join at any time of their choosing; the end of every championship will herald the beginning of a new one.

In order to determine the winners, the championship will follow a ranking system for all contenders based on the outcome of their Cosmon battles:

  • If a player wins: +2 Points
  • If a player loses: -1 Point
  • If it’s a draw: 0 Points

The number of points a player accumulates will determine how he ranks against the other contenders in the championship. This means that:

  • Losing one or several fights doesn’t mean you’re out of the race.
  • Cosmon rewards the most engaged players.
Championship players leaderboard.

All players will be able to see their progress and ranking in the championship on their personal leaderboard. This includes: victories, defeats, score, earnings and general ranking in the set (see above).

Economic model:

When we set out to create Cosmon, our main focus was to create a Play-To-Earn game that works! Which is why Cosmon’s economic model was as important to us as its Gameplay. Even though the real Play-To-Earn experience is only launching today, Cosmon has been accruing value for its holders since its public mint with a total of 560,000 $XKI distributed as rewards (≈ 51,000$).

To go back to the gameplay, we’ve thought very carefully about how the championships will work and the way we’re going to distribute the rewards in order to ensure their sustainability over time. This is why we’ve added a small entry fee to championships as well as a smaller fee for each Cosmon battle.

Half of the entry and battle fees will go to the treasury which has one singular purpose: To boost the rewards of future winners and ensure the sustainability of the Prize Pool.

What about the other half, you might ask? No, it doesn’t go to the team. The rest of the $XKI is burned!

As mentioned in previous articles: rewards distribution, engaging in battles and in-game purchases will all happen in $XKI and the burn mechanism will increase its scarcity along with the value accrual for both holders and players.

Prize Pool distribution:

Now to the most eagerly-awaited part of this article! Who gets to share in the prize pool and how much will they get?

For its first championship, Cosmon will open the Arena to players with a whopping 30,000 $XKI (≈3,000$) in prizes!

As mentioned earlier, winners will only be determined when the league ends; those at the top of the ranking list will emerge victorious! Here is a breakdown of prize distributions:

  • 1st Place: 20% of the prize pool
  • 2nd Place: 10% of the prize pool
  • 3rd Place: 5% of the prize pool
  • 4th to 9th Place: 2.5% of the prize pool each
  • 10th to 24th Place: 0.5% of the prize pool each
  • 25th to 49th place: 0.3% of the prize pool each
  • 50th to 99th Place: 0.25% of the prize pool each
  • 100th to 149th Place: 0.2% of the prize pool each
  • 150th to 199th Place: 0.15% of the prize pool each
  • 200th to 249th Place: 0.1% of the prize pool each

Wen Prizes?
Every Monday at 18:00 CET, at the conclusion of the championship, the prizes will be available for claiming by the winners.

That’s it for now. It’s time to gear up and join the first championship and rise through the ranks!

And remember, the tournaments happen on-chain but everything else is on Discord! So don’t forget to join us there to discuss the outcome of your fights and share your ranking with the community.

