Cosmon Stakedrop

Ki Foundation
3 min readJun 17, 2022


Cosmon has big plans for the future of the Cosmos ecosystem: introducing a Play-to-Earn model with a fun gaming experience and a sustainable economic model that is powered by securing the ecosystem and its most promising chains.

As many of you have heard, we have announced a Stakedrop of NFTs for the Cosmos community in a recent update.

Today, we’d like to announce the upcoming Cosmon Stakedrop to the community members and early adopters. As airdrops always lead to many questions, we’d like to be as transparent as possible.

Who is eligible for the airdrop?

$XKI Stakers:

Cosmon is brought to you by the Ki Chain, therefore the $XKI token will be a key element to interact with the game and its community will benefit from the stakedrop.

Eligible $XKI stakers, at the time of the Snapshot, will benefit from an airdrop of 1 common Cosmon card.

Klub Staking delegators:

Klub Staking will be a key element in the management of Cosmon’s treasury and its delegators will be rewarded. Therefore, all the chains supported by Klub Staking will be included in the Snapshot: Osmosis, Juno, Persistence, Comdex, Sentinel, Lum Network, Cosmos and Evmos. As Sifchain support was added post-snapshot it won’t be included.

Eligible Klub Staking delegators, at the time of the Snapshot, will benefit from an airdrop of 1 common Cosmon card.

The Cosmos community:

As communicated in our last update, the XKI community isn’t the only one benefiting from the Stakedrop. The Cosmos ecosystem active community members are also included. This includes Cosmos, Osmosis, Juno Network, Persistence and Comdex delegators.

Eligible community members, at the time of the Snapshot, will benefit from an airdrop of 1 common Cosmon card

We want the Cosmon airdrop to be as inclusive as possible. Which is why we decided to cap the number of Cosmon NFTs to be distributed to 50,000 common Cosmons and whitelist eligible wallets to claim the airdrop on a first come first served basis.

However, due to technical reasons, even on a first come first served basis a minimum of assets has to be set:

For $XKI stakers:

  • 500 $XKI or more

For Klub Staking delegators:

  • $ATOM delegators: 15
  • $OSMO delegators: 150
  • $JUNO delegators: 40
  • $XPRT delegators: 100
  • $CMDX delegators: 450
  • $DVPN delegators: 135000
  • $LUM delegators: 150000
  • $EVMOS delegators: 100

For the Cosmos community:

  • $ATOM delegators: 50
  • $OSMO delegators: 500
  • $JUNO delegators: 125
  • $XPRT delegators: 350
  • $CMDX delegators: 1000

Note: To make this airdrop more fair for all community members:

  • we have capped the number of NFTs that every eligible wallet could claim per condition to 1. This means that even if you qualify for the airdrop on more than one chain (Juno and Persistence for example), you will only be able to claim one NFT. This criteria caps the maximum number of NFTs that could be claimed by a single wallet to 3.
  • The snapshot that includes all the eligible addresses has been taken on 01/06/2022 at 00:00 UTC (prior to this announcement) in order to prevent gaming the airdrop.
  • The Snapshot will exclude CEX validators.

The full list of addresses will be published soon. These addresses will be whitelisted and will be able to claim the airdrop once the Cosmon website is live.

We hope this airdrop demonstrates how much we value the community members and our goals to include them in all of our future products.

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