Ki Chain : Security Update

Réda Berrehili
Ki Foundation
Published in
1 min readApr 10, 2020


The Cosmos SDK and the Tendermint codebase have just been updated to patch a security flaw discovered recently. Consequently we have updated the ki-tools to account for this patch and these new versions. We provide hereafter a quick tutorial on how to update the Kazeki validators:

Step 1 :

Fetch the last version of the ki-tools with:

git pull origin master

Step 2 :

Re-install the ki tools by running

make install

Step 3 :

Relaunch your node. This step depends on your setup. Generally you can send a kill signal to the kid process as follows using

kill <pid>

where <pid> can be fetched with :

ps ax | grep kid

Once stopped the node can be restarted with the command:

kid start — home ./kid.

Make sure to run this command in your node home directory where your kid/ and kicli/ folders exist.

We encourage all the validators on the KiChain testnet to update their validators to this latest version as soon as this post is published.



Réda Berrehili
Ki Foundation

Computer Scientist & Entrepreneur. Founder & CEO @ Ki Foundation. Co-Founder & CTO @ Squarebreak (Acquired by Accorhotels).