KiChain 1 - Upgrade Announcement

Tarek Awwad
Ki Foundation
Published in
2 min readNov 2, 2021

After the huge success of the Testnet challenge which brought more than 700 validators together into the same testnet and the smooth upgrade of the latter (less than an hour downtime), we are thrilled to announce that the KiChain Mainnet will undergo a much anticipated upgrade to include IBC support.

The upgrade is planned for the 8th of November around 14h00 UTC. The new ki-tools client uses version 0.42.10 of the Cosmos SDK and version 0.34.13 of Tendermint.

Why does this upgrade matter ?

The migration to one of the newest version of Cosmos SDK has many meanings for Ki and for our future projects.

As we deeply believe in the importance of collaboration between Blockchains and the communication between each of these, joining the IBC-Gang was not even a question of “IF” but “When”.

IBC was the main reason Ki has chosen to build its ecosystem on top of the Cosmos SDK technology, and joining the IBC Gang is just the stepping stone of bridging more of our products with our favorite Cosmos Projects.

Some of the cool things that will happen after the upgrade

  • Joining the Cosmos Ecosystem DEXes (Osmosis, Emeris, Gravity DEX…)
  • Connecting Klub’s value with our favorite Cosmos Based Chains
  • Bringing real life assets to the Cosmos Ecosystem

And many more future projects that will be unlocked thanks to IBC.

How to upgrade ?

The halt height will be announced in the upcoming days along with the needed documentations and tutorials to safely perform the upgrade. We invite the KiChain validators to get ready for this upgrade so that we can bring kichain-2 to life with a minimal downtime. To stay up to date please consider joining the Ki Ecosystem Discord server.



Tarek Awwad
Ki Foundation

Computer Scientist - PhD - Chief Blockchain Architect @Ki_Foundation - #Blockchain #DistributedSystems #Crowdsourcing #MachineLearning #DataMining