KiChain Testnet Challenge: Ranking System

Tarek Awwad
Ki Foundation
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2021

The KiChain Testnet Challenge has launched on the 16th of August with more than 800 inscriptions. As mentioned in the challenge announcement post, this is an incentivised challenge with a 100K USD prize. In this post, we detail the point system and the criteria we are considering in creating the progressive and final leader board.

Ranking criteria

The main metric considered to rank the participants is the uptime of their validators. Indeed, this feature quantitatively and objectively reflects the reliability of a validator. For each counting period, the number of blocks missed by each validator are counted using the blockchain public data.

To measure the quality of the validator from the operator perspective, points are also awarded based on the engagement of the participant in the community e.g., providing help and support, writing and sharing scripts and technical docs, setting up endpoints …

Finally challenge specific points are awarded for top performer in some major challenge tasks such as the IBC relayer task.

Point system

The table below summarises the measured metrics and their correspondant point distribution:

Base Point counting

Bonus points counting

Bonus points are awarded for specific accomplishment:


Leaderboard V1 — The first task consisted in launching the kichain-t-2 testnet by the validators who pushed their gentx into the genesis file. The launched happened as planned on the 18th of August at 13:00 UTC. Following are some key figures about the one week old kichain-t-2:

  • 64800 Blocks
  • ~ 17500 transactions
  • ~ 37 millions precommits
  • ~ 650 validators up (simultaneously ATH)

The leaderboard computed for the kichain-t-2 period stands as follows (Please note that this leaderboard does not include bonuses which will be computed once and for all at the end of the challenge) :



Tarek Awwad
Ki Foundation

Computer Scientist - PhD - Chief Blockchain Architect @Ki_Foundation - #Blockchain #DistributedSystems #Crowdsourcing #MachineLearning #DataMining