How to continue work even when children tasks fail or timeout using Kotlin Coroutines

Wahib Ul Haq
KI labs Engineering
1 min readMar 18, 2019

This talk was given at KTUG Munich Jan Meetup and later at GDG Android Meetup.

The primary motivation was to share our learnings with the community while using Kotlin Coroutines for an interesting use case we had in our project. We had constraints of parent-child setup, ensuring parent task completes gracefully in all cases and additionally overall timeout for all tasks. We are barely scratching the surface but I felt it might help others in making some better decisions if they know the different uses of certain CoroutineScopes.

You can find a video recording of the talk here:

You can find slides of the talk here:



Wahib Ul Haq
KI labs Engineering

Senior Program Manager at Diconium • Dev Advocate • Talks about Tech, DevRel, Soft skills, Careerintech & Partnerships • Co-Organizer @DevRelMunich