Impact of self-service technology on Customer Satisfaction

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4 min readAug 14, 2019

The primary objective of doing successful business is satisfying the customer. Technology has replaced social and emotional interaction in serving the consumer and providing quality and efficient services play a critical role in attracting and maintaining regular users. Today, it is completely relevant to say that businesses and self-service technology go hand-in-hand to satisfy the needs of the consumer.

Why Customer Satisfaction so Important for Businesses?

Customer Satisfaction is the secret of survival in the extremely competitive business era, where they choose the goods and services that are more consistent with their needs and expectations. It is a crucial factor in attracting new users and retaining older ones. Businesses can retain customer loyalty through customer satisfaction by providing exceptional services, which in turn, will result in the growth in revenue and profit. Customer satisfaction depends on the following factors:

  1. Access and delivery of core services required by the customers
  2. Availability of various support services and systems that contribute to the delivery of the service
  3. Error-free and accurate delivery of c0re and support services.

The introduction of self-service kiosks delivers the promise of improving the quality of customer service.

How does Self-service Technology assure Customer Satisfaction?

Self-service technology is the key for customer-centric service delivery.

For a consumer, the primary motivation for continuation and again reference to particular goods and services is his/her satisfaction. Let us consider the case of tremendous success and popularity of the iPhone, why is it so favored by customers? It is because the device and its advertisement are modeled on the basis of self-service Business Intelligence. The device allows users to do most of their analytical procedures individually, thus fuelling the individualism and personalization wave in the world of customer demand satisfaction.

How Self-service technology impacts Customer satisfaction?

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What makes Self-service Technology so Valuable?

Forbes reports that 88% of companies believe ‘self-service’ will be the fastest-growing channel in customer service by 2021. So what makes self-service kiosks and devices so valuable and crucial to cater to customer needs? The self-service kiosks and other automated self-service devices contribute to customer satisfaction and brand value creation at different stages.

  1. Reliable Self-service kiosks: Even the most experienced and well-trained workers are prone to make mistakes while interacting with customers. The self-service kiosks increase the accuracy of delivering services, thus making them more reliable. For instance, financial service kiosks empower the customer to take control of their transaction rather than relying on an assisted service worker to make their transactions accurate.
  2. Fast and Efficient Digital Kiosks: Around the world, the ratio of assisted service workers to customers is not enough to handle operations. This leads to dissatisfaction in customers as they have to wait for hours for a service that they may need instantly. Self-service kiosks perfectly declutter the chaos by empowering customers to do the required tasks by themselves and get the services they need in a shorter amount of time.
  3. 24*7 service availability and Cost-effective kiosk solutions: Unlike human workers, kiosk solutions do not need to rest or take breaks. The digital kiosk services are available all-around the clock and even in most remote of the locations. These self-service kiosks make services available at a minimal expenditure for businesses in areas where setting up offices is not a cost-effective solution. Self-service kiosk innovator and producer KIBIS provides the most versatile and cost-effective solutions to cater to every need of the citizen. Their personalized kiosks empower customers with reliability and self-reliance.
  4. Personalized service experience on a Digital Kiosk: Self-service digital kiosks empowers customers to take charge of how they use a service. The digital devices completely revolutionize the service experience for the customer. It enables consumers to collect their data to easily identify changes and make quick and effective alterations to their lifestyles that work best for their personal needs.
  5. Self-service Kiosks are not only for customers: Eliminating jobs or replacing people with machines bring negative publicity which no business would like to have. Rather than making workers unemployed, self-service kiosks create room for human capital to focus on other tasks such as quality control, cleanliness, and customer interaction. The amalgamation of employees and self-service kiosks creates value for businesses. Also, self-service kiosks allow consumers to give in to their true desires without the fear of being judged. This results in higher check averages bringing more revenue and profit for businesses.


In today’s fast-paced world, it is evident that self-service technological innovations and advancements are a critical component of customer-firm interaction. Thus, these self-service interactions have become a crucial criterion for long-term business success.

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KIBIS is an innovative kiosk supplier and operator that plans to become the main payments provider for millions of people around the world.