Most Health-Conscious States in Nigeria & their Biggest Trends

Cephas Omaku


Water supply in the 21st century. This is Rann village in Borno State. Nigeria. By Roberto Saltori

Technology at our fingertips and people can now search for ‘virtually’ everything: Find food for a healthy living, nearby hospital or affordable gym houses.

An analysis of Google search trend could — give or take — reveal peoples’ awareness, interests and intentions. It could easily pass for a go-to survey instrument for addressing health consciousness across the 36 Nigerian states and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). This search interest analysis is augmented by the 2018 report on Nutrition and Health Situation of Nigeria (keep your temper tantrum for a little while and read on).

Google processes over 3.5 billion searches per day.

There was a massively growing trend for ‘Fasting Diet’ searches in the United States in 2018 but barely half as popular as interest in ‘healthy diet’ in Nigeria within the same period. Nigerians’ curiosity for achieving and maintaining weight loss is still unsated. It seems the medical, social, and financial costs of obesity have driven a persistent number of inquiry into the topic across sub-regions in the last decade.

If you’re out there and reading this, your breakthrough has finally come (as my favourite Nigerian pastor would say) … If Google data are anything to go by.



Cephas Omaku

Tells stories that resonate with our 'contagious' passion (sports & travels). Spent a fortune courting search engines just to find out a reader's love was free.