Kickass life. Do you want piece of it?

Juraj Hrvacic
KickAss Nation
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2016

Having a kickass life means owning your story. Be it in personal life, or at work. It is about being you. You — the author of your life story.

We worry and stress too much. Try to control stuff that cannot be controlled. And then we stress even more.

Everyday stuff takes over, and with all good intentions is goes from wanting to do something, to needing to do all the wrong things.

We say Yes to stuff we don’t want to do, and No to stuff we yearn to do.

This all sounds little bit unrealistic. However, when you look at the lives of almost everyone who made it — they own their story. You could argue that because they are a success that they can now own it. But I firmly believe it is the fact writing your own story that did that for them.

It doesn’t matter where you are born. What are you doing. How old are you. You can always take first step in liberating yourself from expectations of others.

And, in many ways you are living part of your life in a kickass manner. You just think that it can’t be like that for other part. Most of us have it in them.

Kickass life is about three things:

  1. Belief
    If you tell yourself it is not possible to change something, than it will be self fulfilling prophecy. You need to believe that whatever can be changed will be changed.
  2. Worldview(s)
    What is your worldview like? What are the filters in your eyes when you look at it? While belief is all about your innards, the worldview you have is about how you perceive all the stuff around us. Your worldview is defined with your values, where you came from, what you know and with your beliefs.
    The trick with having a kickass life is that it is not question of one worldview, but for having multiple different worldviews so that you can really see what it is.
  3. Hustle
    It is stolen/inspired by Gary Vaynerchuck. You can believe all you want, and be smartest person in the room, company, country, however, if all you do is just talk, then you are wasting your time. Hustle means walking the talk. Taking action. Putting yourself out there. Failing, and then failing better, until you make it.

Can you take a leap?

The difference between someone being payed more is just having courage to ask for more.

For sale being done or not — is about being able to walk away when the terms are not right for you.

About being happy — just not settling down for last thing that came.

