Listeners are just people

Juraj Hrvacic
KickAss Nation
Published in
2 min readDec 16, 2016

They want to be loved.

To belong somewhere.

They have needs and wants.

Fears too.

Having kids has changed their lives.

Maybe they have adopted a cat. Or a cat has adopted them.

They have things they hate and things they can’t live without.

They daydream and have nightmares.

They are just like you.

I am sure you have your own version of your average target listener.

So, when you are talking to them on the air the person to keep in mind could be:

1. 30 years old

2. female

3. lives in an apartment with a long-term boyfriend

4. has a car that is around 6 years old

5. loves spending time with her friends

6. works as bank clerk

These are all nice and useful things to define. Should help with perspectives when choosing topics and planning your show.

To truly communicate with your listeners you need to go deeper. Emotions, not facts sell stuff.

The problem here is — if we treat our target listener just as target — then we, unintentionally, ignore that they are human under their target listener skin.

Every fact that defines your target listener is a mother load of potential if you just ask yourself — what does it really mean? How does 30 something female feel right now regarding something?

As humans we are a beautiful mess. As radio people we ignore that.

If you see them as people then you might just talk to them as a person would talk to another person.

Afterall great radio is about interesting people talking about interesting things to other interesting people.

And …

