Can you feel me?

Stevie Münzner
KickAss Nation
Published in
2 min readFeb 6, 2016

The other day I was traveling from Munich to Berlin by train. I was standing on the platform waiting for the train to arrive.
It was a Wednesday afternoon and there were quite a few people waiting. Which was surprising. It was the middle of the week.

A minute or so before the train arrived at the station an announcement was made indicating that wagon 26 and 27 were missing today.
That put a smile on my face. My reservation for this 7 hour journey was in wagon 27 of course. What did they do to these wagons? How come 2 of them were suddenly missing.

The train arrived and everyone was trying to get on the train first in order to get a seat. Things were getting heated.
We finally got on the train and there were people everywhere. This was not going to be fun.
I somehow managed to find a place in first class and even though I had a second class ticket I took a seat. I was relieved.

When the conductress came she looked at me and my ticket and said: „Sir, get up — you need to move to a second class wagon“
„But my wagon no 27 isn’t here“, I replied. „Can I please sit here as I have a 7 hour journey ahead of me?“
„No you can’t! Move now“

Hm, German efficiency I guess. I asked another two conductors if they might know where there is an empty seat on the train.
They kind of looked at me as if I was asking if I could have a Gin Tonic.

So I fought my way thru all the other wagons trying to find an empty seat. I was clearly pissed off that the conductors did not even make an effort to help me.

But when I sat down at the trains’ bistro I remembered a few clever words from Bernadette Jiwa (us Kick Ass Boys love Bernadette).
She was describing a similar event at an international airport and she concluded that the person dealing with the crisis might experience it three times a week -or even more — the customer only acutely, on that day.

Bernadette says that everyone offering a service needs to train for empathy.
In any customer service situation ask yourself:

„How would I be feeling if this were me?“

„How would I be reacting right now?“

„What would I be saying and doing?“

Dear Deutsche Bahn! Try a little harder and you might find that you’re closer to your customers than you think.



Stevie Münzner
KickAss Nation

‘personality coach, thinker, attention trader, social media strategist, rulebreaker, cultural changemaker, music producer’ / Senior Consultant & Partner